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Server Options

Tr!Force edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Custom Cvars

The next list is all custom server cvars added in this mod. For most cvars the value "0" are to disable and "1" to enable.

Name jk_serverClosed
Values "0", "Text"
Example "Server closed for maintenance."
Description Closed server for maintenance or private use without password
Name jk_serverClosedIP
Values "0", ""
Example ""
Description Allow an IP when server is closed
Name jk_serverClosedBroadcast
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Shows a message with who are trying to join
Name jk_allowBlackNames
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Allow black color in player names
Name jk_dropFlag
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Enable Drop Flag command for CTF & CTY game types
Name jk_dropFlagTime
Values "0", "10"
Example "30"
Description Drop Flag command waiting time (in seconds) to use it again
Name jk_pauseGame
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Pause current game stoping all players actions
Name jk_pauseGameCenterPrint
Values "0", "Text"
Example "Pay attention, lets organize the teams!"
Description Shows a center print message when the game is paused
Name jk_emotesEnabled
Values "0", "-1"
Example "234881024" (Only sit emotes)
Description Enable emotes by cvar calculation
Name jk_emotesBreak
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Enable emote usage in air or on player
Name jk_emotesFreeze
Values "0", "1"
Example "1"
Description Freeze player while the emote plays
Name jk_emotesPunchDamage
Values "0", "1"
Example "15"
Description Enable damage (in HP) on "punch" and "punch2" emotes

Modified Cvars

The next list is all modified base jk2 server cvars in this mod

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