Call AMD's command list markers directly in Rust for event instrumentation in Radeon GPU Profiler, as well as other functionality provided on IAmdExtD3DDevice1
Add this to your Cargo.toml:
amd-ext-d3d = "0.3.1"
While upstream documentation details how to embed these calls into existing PIX3 markers (behind a C #derive
), you get to call them explicitly in Rust:
use amd_ext_d3d::AmdExtD3DDevice;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use windows::Win32::Graphics::Direct3D12::{ID3D12Device, ID3D12GraphicsCommandList};
let device: ID3D12Device = todo!("Open DirectX12 graphics device");
let cmd_list: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList = todo!("device.CreateCommandList(...)");
// Load the extension
let amd_device = unsafe { AmdExtD3DDevice::new(device.into()) }.unwrap();
let name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"My super cool GPU event!\0").unwrap();
unsafe { amd_device.push_marker(&cmd_list, name) };
// Submit work to the GPU...
unsafe { amd_device.pop_marker(&cmd_list) };
See for details on regenerating the metadata and Rust code from upstream headers.