WhatsPy is created to spy on whatsapp contacts.
WhatsPy is a simple spyware written in Python to spy on whatsapp users without being online. How? Whatsapp doesn't allow users to appear offline. Start WhatsPy and minimize the opened browser, so you won't appear online.
Use WhatsPy for educational proposes only! The contributors aren't responsible for the damage made by this tool!
Python version 3.5 - 3.9
git clone https://github.com/TralseDev/WhatsPy.git
geckodriver.exe (Firefox geckodriver). Check out folder, there's the binary.
sudo apt install eyewitness
python3 WhatsPy.py
python3 WhatsPy.py -h
python3 WhatsPy.py -u User1,User2,User3 -t 15 -l /home/kali/spy.log -d 5.0
- 1.0
- first version
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GNU GPLv3 License). LICENSE file also contains selenium's license (Apache-2.0 License). Great thanks to Selenium <3
Save data in markdown if log file should be markdown file