This repository contains an implementation for a review (text) to stars mapping prediction in keras.
- Install docker from
- Open command line window and navigate to the project folder with all files from this repository.
- Install a container for cpu build via:
docker build -t keras_cpu --build-arg python_version=3.6 -f Dockerfile_cpu .
or for gpu build viadocker build -t keras_gpu --build-arg python_version=3.6 --build-arg cuda_version=9.0 --build-arg cudnn_version=7 -f Dockerfile_gpu .
Start a docker container. For cpu version type: docker run -it -v <path_to_project_folder>:/home -v <path_to_yelp_database>:/data --env KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow keras_cpu bash
and for gpu version: nvidia-docker run -it -v <path_to_project_folder>:/home -v <path_to_yelp_database>:/data --env KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow keras_gpu bash
. Attention: For GPU Version, please install NVIDIA drivers (ideally latest) and nvidia-docker from
To start the training of network, run
. The script takes several arguments to control the training process and the data extraction. To get an overview, type -h
for a help message.
After training there are three files generated as output:
- The network model as *.hdf5-file or *.h5-file
- A training log
- A raw data file from pickle, which contains the word mappings from text tokenizer
Start a docker container (like you did to start a training). Start the prediction with the execution of
. The scripts takes three parameters, type -h
to get more information.
To enter new texts you can define strings direcly in the script with assigning them to variable input_texts
If the docker container wont work you could take a look at the conda_environments folder. The folder contains *.yml files to generate conda environments. To generate an environment, install a valid anaconda version (see and type conda env create -f environment.yml
to set the environment up (more information @