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JSystem Properties Dialog

itaiag edited this page Aug 9, 2016 · 1 revision

JSystem Properties Dialog

The JSystem "Properties Dialog" enables the user to configure the JSystem JRunner preferences.

Using the JSystem Properties Dialog

In order to open the JSystem properties dialog from the JRunner, go to Tools --> JSystem Properties Dialog:

JSystem Properties Table

  • Property - The property name (Taken from the Framework Option Enum)

  • Description - A text field describe shortly the current property

  • Value - An editable field allow the user to edit the property value.

    Each property has its own editor make it easy to use for the user.

    In general there are 3 different types of editors:

  • List box - Enable the user to choose the desired value from a list of options.

  • Text field - To allow the user to type in the desired value

  • File Chooser – In order to allow the user to browse and select files or directories.

  • Default Value - This field present the default value for the current property.

    The default value is used in the following cases:

  • When the value field is empty.

  • When the user press "Restore System Default".

  • Long Description - A detailed description of the current property.

The long description provides an in-depth description of the selected property, usage, purpose, including examples if needed and a detailed explanation of the value options.


The JSystem properties dialog supports the following operations:

Save - Save all changes, and close the dialog.

The properties are saved into a properties file named """(In the JRunner installation folder).

Not all of the properties presented in the dialog are saved into the file, only properties that have been change. Some of the properties changes do not take effect until the JRunner is restarted.

When the user presses the "save" button, JSystem performs an automatic check in order to see if properties have been changed that require a JRunner restart. In the case of a restart, a pop up message is displayed to notify the user that some of the changes will not take effect until the JRunner is restarted. The user then can choose whether a restart of the JRunner is required immediately, or if can wait until a later time.

Restore Defaults - This operation will restore all of the default properties.

The "default properties" refers to all of the properties saved into "" file under the installation JRunner directory.

In the event that the user chooses to restore the defaults, the "" file will be deleted from the system file and will be recreated during the JRunner reload, with the system default values.

Note: By reopening the "" file, most of the properties will not appear in the file, because only the properties that are change are saved into the new file.

Cancel - Will discard all changes and close the dialog.

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