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Manager and Facades

Daniele Federico edited this page Sep 7, 2018 · 1 revision

Managers are helper classes providing few basic methods for loading and saving kiko files. The constructor requires an argument a app facade inheriting from the BaseFacade defined in kiko/apps/

Each app facade provide static methods for performing certain basics tasks, such as setting key frames, getting selected objects, etc.

If a developer wishes to support another DCC, he/she will have to inherit the BaseFacade and populate each static method.

Inside the facade a naming convention exists for arguments:

  • node_name: the name of an app node
  • node_obj: an app internal object representing the node (i.e. in Maya we use OpenMaya.MObject)
  • channel_name: the name of an app node channel
  • channel_obj: the app internal object representing the node (i.e. in Maya we use OpenMaya.MPlug)
  • key_framable_channel_obj: the app internal object representing an animation curve (i.e. in Maya we use OpenMayaAnim.MFnAnimCurve)