dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { setUrl("") }
dependencies {
data class MyUIState(
// This is the value of the input
val requiredInput: String? = null,
// This is the last result of the validation and will be used to display a possible error state
var requiredInputValidationResult: MutableState<ValidationResult?> = mutableStateOf(null)
) {
// This is a validator with the rules on which you want to validate
private val validator = TextValidator.withRules(RequiredRule()) // Takes a vararg of rules so you can add as many as you want
// This is a method that will be called in the LaunchEffect of the composable when the dependency changes (in this case "requiredInput")
// Has to be called in the LaunchedEffect, since we need the context to validate the input
fun validateRequiredInput(context: Context) {
if(requiredInput == null) return // If the input is null, we don't want to validate it
// Perform the validation and update the result
// .value is used to update the MutableState
requiredInputValidationResult.value = validator.validate(context, requiredInput)
val context = LocalContext.current
LaunchedEffect(uiState.requiredInput) {
error = uiState.requiredInputValidationResult.errorMessage() // Will be your error message if the validation fails
val areInputsValid by remember {
derivedStateOf {
uiState.requiredInputValidationResult.isValid() == true
// More validation checks can be added
// e.g.: && uiState.otherInputValidationResult?.isValid() == true && ...
enabled = areInputsValid
class MyCustomRule(
override val errorMessage: (context: Context) -> String = { context -> context.getString(R.string.error_message) }
): TextValidationRule {
override val validationRule: (String) -> Boolean = {
// Your validation logic
// e.g.: input.length > 5
// Return true if the input is valid