It's never been so easy to get input from the console. With FastConsole.Input you have fast and simple methods to get user input with messages, conversions and validations! Complements FastConsole.
- Package Reference
<PackageReference Include="FastConsole.Input" Version="1.0.0" />
- Dotnet CLI
dotnet add package FastConsole.Input --version 1.0.0
- Package Manager
Install-Package FastConsole.Input -Version 1.0.0
- Paket CLI
paket add FastConsole.Input --version 1.0.0
using FastConsole;
string name = In.ReadLine("Enter your name: ");
// 'RepeatWhenInvalid' and 'ShowInvalidInputMsg' are true by default.
var opt = new SimpleInputOpt("Enter a number: ", "You must digit a valid number!\n") { RepeatWhenInvalid = true, ShowInvalidInputMsg = true };
// You must use 'double?' (nullable) because of the validation and parsing.
double num = In.ReadInput<double?>(opt: opt, parse: InputParser.ToDouble).Value;
It is highly recommended to take a look at the source code to better understand how this library works.
double num = In.ReadDouble(In.InOpt("Enter a number: ", "You must digit a valid number!\n")).Value;
// Or...
double num = In.ReadDouble("Enter a number: ".InOpt()).Value;
// Or...
double num = In.ReadDouble("Enter a number: ".InOpt(repeatWhenInvalid: true, showInvalidMessage: false)).Value;
// Or...
double num = In.ReadDouble(("Enter a number: ", "You must digit a valid number!\n").InOpt()).Value;
In the example, double is used, but there are options for several other types of numbers (int, short, decimal, float, uint, long, byte...).
var opts = new SimpleInputOpt("Enter your age: ", "This value is not valid!") { RepeatWhenInvalid = true, ShowInvalidInputMsg = false };
string name = In.ReadString(opts);
int age = In.ReadInt(opts.SetMsg("Enter your age: ")).Value;
opts.ShowInvalidInputMsg = true;
float height = In.ReadFloat(opts.SetMsg("Enter your height: ")).Value;
Func<string, int?> parseAge = s =>
bool conversion = int.TryParse(s, out int age);
if (!conversion) return null;
else if (age < 18) return null;
else return age;
int age = In.ReadInput<int?>(In.InOpt("Enter your age: ", "You must be over 18!\n"), parseAge).Value;
The methods accept IInputOptions and NOT SimpleINputOpt, so you can create your own implementation.
There's another implementation of IInputOptions, it's the CoolInputOpt, which is like SimpleInputOpt but it's cool, because you can use CoolText (from FastConsole) instead of string!
This library depends on FastConsole. Probably when you add this to your project, FastConsole is automatically added.