Use App Inventor Tinywebdb to get value = -amazon_api(tag) .
This web service is a proxy to Amazon's Books API and is to be used in conjunction with App Inventor for Android. App Inventor apps can access this service using the TinyWebDB component and setting the ServiceURL to the URL of this site. The service returns a list of book data. You can explore how this API works by entering a tag of either search terms or an isbn in the form "isbn:xxxxxxxx" in the box below and clicking Get value.
本Web服务是亚马逊书店API的代理页面,用于与App Inventor 2开发的安卓应用相连接。App Inventor 2可以使用网络数据库组件访问此服务,并将其服务网址属性设为本页面网址,服务将返回一个书的列表。想知道此API的作用,请在标记输入框内输入搜索词或ISBN号码,并点击请求数据按钮。