CrossDoc is a platform-independent document interchange format.
This is the Ruby server library and JavaScript client library for CrossDoc. It is the defacto standard implementation of CrossDoc PDF rendering.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'crossdoc', github: 'TinyMission/crossdoc'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install crossdoc
Each CrossDoc document begins its life as an HTML view rendered in a browser. This HTML structure uses a few conventions to tell CrossDoc how to serialize it.
A basic document is structured like this:
<div class="crossdoc" id="document">
<div class="page us-letter decorated margin-75" id="page1">
<div class='page-content'>
<!-- Page Content -->
<div class="page us-letter decorated margin-75" id="page2">
<div class='page-content'>
<!-- Page Content -->
There is one containing div with class crossdoc. Each page is it's own div with class page, and optional classes for formatting:
- Page size: us-letter (default) or us-legal
- Page margin: margin-50, margin-75, or margin-100 for 1/2", 3/4", or 1" margins, respectively
- Decoration: decorated applies a simple white background, border, and drop shadow to the page
Inside each page, you place the markup for your document. The actual markup can be basically anything you want. The CrossDoc JavaScript library (see next section) will serialize the document structure and layout into a platform-neutral JSON format, which can then be sent to a server to render into a PDF.
Serializing a document to JSON is done with the CrossDoc JavaScript API:
var doc = window.crossdoc.create(); // create the document container
doc.parse('document'); // parse the document, passed by id
var json = doc.toJSON(); // serialize the document to JSON
Once serialized, you can send the document to your server through an AJAX call or form parameter.
On the server, the Ruby API lets you take a JSON document representation and render it to a PDF.
doc = doc_json # create a document from a JSON string (or Hash)
renderer = doc # create a PDF renderer to render the document
renderer.to_pdf 'path/to/output.pdf' # render the document to a PDF in the filesystem
The renderer will download all images included in the document and render the contents to a PDF using the Prawn PDF library.
In order to user custom fonts inside the PDF, you must register the font family with the renderer:
renderer.register_font_family 'FontName', {
normal: 'path to normal font',
italic: 'path to italic font'
Only TTF fonts are currently supported.
CrossDoc includes an automatic pagination utility that will split a one-page document into multiple pages. It recursively traverses the document tree and tries to determine the best place to break the pages.
To use the pagination, create a Paginator then run it on the document. This should be done before rendering the document. doc
options is a hash with the possible optional values:
- num_levels (default 3): the number of document tree levels the paginator will traverse before giving up. Set higher for complex documents and lower if you don't want to split up elements at a certain level (like tables).
- max_pages* (default 10): the maximum number of pages to create. This only exists to compensate for pagination failures that cause the document to blow up.
In addition to serializing DOM elements to the intermediate JSON representation, CrossDoc also has a builder API that lets you create the document from a Ruby DSL. The builder API allows CrossDoc documents to be generated without a browser.
# create a builder and configure the page properties
builder = page_size: 'us-letter', page_orientation: 'portrait', page_margin: '0.5in'
# create a new page do |page|
# create a container for layout, can be horizontal or vertical
page.horizontal_div do |layout|
# each child can have a layout weight
layout.node 'p', {weight: 2} do |p|
p.default_font size: 12, color: '#800' # creates a new font by replacing default font values = 8 # set just one side of padding
p.text = "This paragraph is larger"
layout.node 'p' do |p|
p.border_left '0.5px solid #080' # CSS borer definitions
p.padding.set_all 4 # set all padding at once
p.text = "This paragraph is half as wide"
# create the raw document that can be passed to a renderer
doc = builder.to_doc 'path/to/output.pdf'
The Ruby Builder is able to parse a (limited subset of) Markdown-formatted text (using the Kramdown parser) and create the appropriate nodes in the document. Simply call the markdown method on any builder node:
page.div do |container|
container.markdown formatted_text, style
formatted_text is a string containing Markdown-formatted text. style is an optional hash that lets you override the default styling for the generated nodes. You can override the font attributes, margin, and padding, using the uppercase tag name as the key:
styles = {
H2: {
font: {
size: 23,
color: '#222222'
margin: {top: 20},
padding: {left: 4, right: 6}
Currently, only the following constructs are supported by the Markdown parser:
- Headers (levels 1-3)
- Paragraphs
- Ordered and unordered lists
- Inline em and strong spans
To use CrossDoc in a Rails application, simply include the gem in your Gemfile and add the stylesheet and javascript file to your assets:
/* application.css or similar
*= require crossdoc
// application.js or similar
//= require crossdoc
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