AutoDRIVE Testbed 0.1.0
42 commits
to AutoDRIVE-Testbed
since this release
Release Note:
Initial release of AutoDRIVE Testbed. This version was developed as a part of Undergraduate Final Year Project at SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
Change Log:
- Added vehicle source files
- Mechanical:
- Vehicle design part files
- Vehicle virtual assembly
- Chassis manufacturing files
- Electrical:
- Auxiliary board circuit design file
- Software:
- Testing code for throttle sensor, steering sensor, encoders, IMU, cameras, LIDAR, throttle actuator, steering actuator and lights
- Calibration code for IMU and steering actuator
- Vehicle firmware
- Mechanical:
- Added infrastructure source files
- Mechanical
- Infrastructure Development Kit
- AprilTag markers
- Road kits (1, 2, 4 and 6 lanes)
- 4 road modules
- 2 intersection modules
- 2 parking modules
- Terrain modules (asphalt, dirt, lawn, snow and water)
- Obstruction modules (construction box, traffic cone)
- Traffic signs (stop sign, give way sign, regulatory sign, cautionary sign and informatory sign)
- Traffic light
- Infrastructure Development Kit
- Software
- Calibration code for AutoDRIVE Eye
- Software for Indoor Positioning System (IPS)
- Mechanical