A webapp to track my bouldering based on SvelteKit, Express, Node.js, Tailwind CSS & MongoDB
This is my first Svelte project which I mostly use as a way to get way to get familiar with Sveltekit & Tailwind CSS. Besides that, it's supposed to solve my problem of tracking progress of climbing & bouldering in different indoor locations with different route scales.
I combine tutorial sources with my own ideas to create this:
- Header & usage of Tailwind CSS in "SvelteKit Crash Course - SSR, API Routes, Stores, Tailwind CSS, and More!" | https://github.com/jamesqquick/svelte-kit-pokedex / https://youtu.be/UU7MgYIbtAk?t=1524
- Express/Node.js backend in "Svelte tutorial : Full stack svelte [1/2] Mongo, express and node js" | https://github.com/3stbn/full-stack-svelte-expenses-tracker / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6J41F2DadQ&list=WL&index=83&t=3778s
- Start & stop boudlering sessions
- Enter routes with difficulties
- History of past sessions (length/routes)
- Statistics of route difficulties
- Possibilty to sync with fitness trackers
- ...
- Add progesss bar as scroll indicator (https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_scroll_indicator.asp)
- Change to your custom theme (color values in TODOS.md) with https://daisyui.com/docs/add-themes
- Exchange plain Node.js/Javascript for Typescript?
- Swagger Ui or better Nest.js?
- Sync to Garmin
- Sync to Strava
- Creation of FIT files
- Voice Interaction
- Chatbot instead of forms?
- Smartwatch Heartrate
- Preset Climbing Gym Scales (e.g. Vels with 6 colours mapped to general scales)
- Automatic Stop (if location rights were given by user)
- ...
- .env => storage for string
- swagger documentation for api