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Version 10.0.0

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@Thraka Thraka released this 29 Oct 21:37
· 141 commits to master since this release

Major changes (possibly breaking)

  • [Core] The default font's used the wrong name. It's been corrected from IBM_16x8 to IBM_8x16 and from IBM_16x8_ext to IBM_8x16_ext. If you've previously serialized a font with the wrong name, you'll need to change it in the json object. Or use the configuration extension FixOldFontName() which will add a name mapping.
  • [Core] The editor functions that changed glyphs and printed on consoles have moved from being extension methods for the ICellSurface interface to the ISurface interface. Console, IScreenSurface, and ICellSurface, all implement this new interface. This means you can now use the editing extensions directly on those objects.
  • [Core] Because Console no longer implements ICellSurface, and instead implements ISurface, some properties have been moved to the Surface property, such as myConsole.TimesShiftedUp is now myConsole.Surface.TimesShiftedUp.
  • [Core] Themes have been removed. Each control draws itself.
  • [Core] IScreenObject no longer implements IEnumerable to access the children. Use the .Children collection property instead.
  • [Core] Update and Render no longer check for IsEnabled and IsVisible, respectively. When those methods run, the properties are checked on the children before calling the respective method. This moves the check outside of the object itself, and relies on the parent object to do it. This eliminates the need for an object to check itself, and allows you to bypass the check when you want.
  • [Core] Decorators are no longer array's but rented from a list pool. Use the CellDecoratorHelpers class to manage them. SadConsole does its best to rent and return from the pool as you add or remove decorators.
  • [Core] The OnStart callback is now an event and not an Action delegate.

New features

  • [Core] Added Componenets.LayeredSurface component. Add this component to a ScreenSurface to enable multiple surface layers. Use the LayeredSurface to manage the layers.
  • [Core] StringParser supports variables with the syntax of $variable_name. The parser has a dictionary that invokes a delegate which returns a value for the variable. So the value can be determined as the variable is used. See DemoStringParsing.cs in the sample template.
  • [Core] EntityManager.AlternativeFont added so entities can use a different font than the parent object.
  • [UI] New control, TabControl. Contributed by arxae.
  • [ExtendedLib.UI] New control, Table. Contributed by Ven0maus.

Normal changes

  • Target .NET 6+ exclusively. Core library is nullable aware.
  • [Core] Splash screen printing wasn't being shown because of cursor changes.
  • [Core] IFont now defines glyph definitions.
  • [Core] Various SadFont properties and methods are now settable/callable.
  • [Core] Extensions methods added to hosts to allow manipulation of font textures.
  • [Core] Settings.CreateStartingConsole setting added to avoid creating the StartingConsole.
  • [Core] Cursor now has the property DisablePrintAutomaticLineFeed which, when true, prevents the cursor from moving to the next line if printing a character at the end of the current line.
  • [Core] Ansi.AnsiWriter handles sauce now by ignoring the rest of a document once character 26 (CTRL-Z) is encountered.
  • [Core] Ansi.AnsiWriter has always used a cursor to print, it now sets UseLinuxLineEndings = true and DisablePrintAutomaticLineFeed = true.
  • [Core] Added SadConsole.SplashScreens.Ansi1 splashscreen, the new SadConsole logo, for use with games.
  • [Core] Added ScreenSurface.QuietSurfaceHandling property. When true, this property prevents the .Surface property from raising events and calling virtual methods when the instance changes. This is useful for AnimatedScreenSurface instances that have fast moving animations.
  • [Core] Entities.Renderer renamed Entities.EntityRenderer.
  • [Core] The Entity type now supports animated surfaces. When creating an entity, you must specify it as a single cell entity or animated surface entity.
  • [Core] The effects system had a bug where if you added the same effect with the same cell twice, and the effect should restore the cell state, it wouldn't.
  • [Core] AsciiKey used by the keyboard system now detects capslock and shifted state to produce capital or lowercase letters.
  • [Core] AsciiKey exposes a bunch of static dictionaries that help with remapping keys and characters.
  • [Core] ColoredGlyph.IsVisible now sets ColoredGlyph.IsDirty to true when its value changes.
  • [Core] Surface.RenderSteps moved to the renderer.
  • [Core] RenderSteps is now a List and you must call RenderSteps.Sort(SadConsole.Renderers.RenderStepComparer.Instance) when the collection is changed.
  • [Core] Instructions.DrawString uses System.TimeSpan now, and is more accurate.
  • [Core] Effects have a RunEffectOnApply property that will run the effect.Update method once, with a duration of zero, when the effect is added to a manager.
  • [Core] EffectsManager will apply the active effect to a cell right when the cell is added to the effect. This was happening on the next render frame.
  • [Core] Surface shifting is much more performant (Thanks Chris3606)
  • [Core] Cursor has some new methods for erasing: Erase, EraseUp, EraseDown, EraseLeft, EraseRight, EraseColumn, EraseRow.
  • [Core] Mouse state object now tracks *ButtonDownDuration times. When the button is down and the time is zero, this indicates the button was just pressed. Otherwise, you can detect how long the button has been held down.
  • [Core] Rename RexPaint ToLayersComponent to ToCellSurface.
  • [Core] Rework Timer with Start/Stop/Restart methods.
  • [Core] If you load a font that's already been loaded, the existing instance is returned and the recently deserialized font is discarded. Previously the old font was replaced in the GameHost.Fonts dictionary.
  • [Core] ColoredGlyph.Decorators are Poolable Lists now and don't need to be messed with as arrays. Use SadConsole.CellDecoratorHelpers to manage the property.
  • [UI] Scroll bar with a size of 3 now disables the middle area, and you can use a size of 2 now.
  • [UI] Scroll bar supports a thickness other than 1.
  • [UI] Control host would get stuck when tabbing to a control that was disabled. Now it skips the control.
  • [UI] ControlBase.IsDirty property now calls the protected OnIsDirtyChanged method which then raises the IsDirtyChanged event.
  • [UI] Panel control uses CompositeControl as a base class. Control can draw a border.
  • [UI] ProgressBar is easier to customize.
  • [UI] Colors.Name property added.
  • [UI] ListBox.ItemsArea property added which the mouse now watches for so that it knows it's interacting with the list items specifically.
  • [ExtendedLib] Border control uses view size now instead of full size of wrapping object.
  • [ExtendedLib] Border.AddToSurface/Window has been renamed to Border.CreateForSurface/Window.
  • [ExtendedLib] Entities.EntityManager renamed Entities.EntityManagerZoned.
  • [ExtendedLib] Added SmoothMove.IsEnabled to disable the component and prevent animation.
  • [ExtendedLib] Fixed ColorBar bug with selecting a color before it's first drawn.


  • [Core] Algorithms.Line\Circle\Ellipse have been removed. The latest primitives library provides these methods.
  • [Core] Shapes namespace removed. The latest primitives library release that SadConsole uses, provides these.

Host changes

  • [MonoGame] NuGet package has a -windows framework target that targets DirectX and adds support for WPF.
  • [MonoGame] Fix conversion of Mirror to SpriteEffects.
  • [MonoGame\SFML] Surface renderers now skip the glyph if the glyph is 0.
  • [MonoGame\SFML] New SurfaceDirtyCells renderer added which only draws cells that are marked dirty.
  • [MonoGame\SFML] New SadConsole.Configuration.Builder object used for creating a SadConsole game.