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A JS package for Discord bots, allowing you focus on real features of it, by making all messages routing and bot parameters in background and deliver you useful tools.

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Discord starter package

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Little package for start a discord bot fastly and easily, allowing you to focus on bot features.


How use it ?
Commands (New features since v2.4.0)
Embed pagination
Modal Constructor
Message component event handling
Context menu interaction

How use it

First of all, run npm install discord-starter-package for install this package on your project.

Then, you can init your bot instance with init() method :

const { init } = require('discord-starter-package');

const bot = init({
  options: null,
  token: 'yourToken',

This method take many options :

  "name": "Discord bot", //optional
  "token": "YourBotPrivateToken",
  "prefix": "/",
  "autoLog": false,
  "adminRole": "admin", //optional
  "options": {}, //ClientOptions instance
  "webhooks": [], //optional
  "commandFolders": [], //optional
  "commandsDisabled": [] //optional

Have a look to all properties :

argument Required Type Default Description
name String - Your bot name
token String - Your bot private token
prefix String / Prefix for basic commands (does not work with slash commands!). Ex. of "prefix": "!" the ping command will listen to the Discord message !ping instead of ping.
autoLog Boolean false Define if you want automatic logs when commands are executed for see command name, player and arguments provided.
adminRole String Admin Your bot name
options Discord.ClientOptions { "intents": [ "Guilds", "GuildMembers", "GuildMessages", "MessageContent" ] } Options that you want to add on your bot. This property is just a copy of Discord.CLientOptions class.
webhooks {name: String; url: String} - Your bot name
commandsDisabled String[] [] List of commands you want to disable. List of defaults commands: help, disableCommand, feedback, ping, reload
commandFolders String[] ["commands"] Folders the bot loads commands from, relative to your root folder.

Finally, you can launch your discord bot with node main.js or ts-node main.ts if you're using Typescript.

An example of implementation has been made in "example" folder of this repository.


Your commands must either be located in a commands folder at root of your project, or in folders configured through the commandFolders array given on initialization, to be detected during bot initialization.Then, each command can be declared with module.exports or with a default exported class.

argument Required Type Default Description
name String - Name of command
description String - Description of command displayed in help command result
usage String - Usage of command displayed in help
admin Boolean - Permission guard
roles String[] - Roles needed to execute command
slashCommand {data: SlashCommandBuilder} - data of Slash-Command to initialize
private Boolean false Send result in private message or private interaction reply

Basically, a new command without slash command system should be like that :

module.exports = {
  ..., //required and optional options
  execute(client, message, args) {},

Then, if you want to declare a slash command, you just need to provide this configuration :

module.exports = {
  slashCommand: {
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .setDescription("Your command description"),

  execute(client, message, args){

You can also use a class extending AbstractCommand. Here is an example :

import { AbstractCommand } from 'discord-starter-package'

export default class MyCommand extends AbstractCommand {
    protected name = "my-command";
    protected desc = "A fantastic command";
    protected usage = "/my-command";
    protected admin = false;
    execute(client, message, args) {
        return "Hello world!";

Dev cycle

During your development, you can dynamically reload one command using /reload <optional name command> command included in this library. If you're not specifying a command name, it will reload all commands.


DiscordJS v13 has introduced new features like Buttons or Select Menu components. So you can add them easily in your messages, with my tool MessageFormatter ! It easy to use, trust me :-) Just make a new instance of it and look at possibilites :

// Concider you're on a command file ...

const result = new MessageFormatter();
// parameters: EmbedBuilder object
result.addEmbedMessage(SuccessEmbed(client, `**Disable - Success**`, `The command "${args[0]}" has been enabled !`));

// parameters: label of button, icon of button, color of button, and custom_id of button
result.addButton("Get karmated", "💥", "DANGER", "karma_button");

// parameters: type of selectmenu, options inside select menu, custom_id of select menu, placeholder of select menu
result.addSelectMenu("STRING", [
  { label: "NOW IT'S FANTASTIC !", description: "optional description", value: "now" },
  { label: "NEVER !", description: "optional description", value: "never" }
], "download_menu", "When you will download my project ?");

// add attachment file

// All at same time ? Why not

return result;

Embeds pagination

Sometimes, a pagination should be great to not spam your channel. With Discord.JS v13 and Embeds components, user experience is so much better, and developers can make embeds pagination more cleaner ! So I made a tool for it : EmbedPaginator. It generate an embed with options provided in constructor, handle automatically buttons events and it shows the range of items corresponding to the current page. You can personnalize your embed with available options of EmbedMessage, and personnalize skin of your previous / next button.

// Concider you're on a command file ...
const content = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
  content.push({ name: 'name-' + i, value: 'value-' + i });

// EmbedPaginator(client, message, content to show in embed, embed options, paginator options)
return new EmbedPaginator(
  { title: 'Items' },
  { itemsPerPage: 10, nextLabel: 'Next page', previousLabel: 'Previous page' },

Pagination options are optionals. By default, there is 10 items per page, and pagination buttons looking like that :
Pagination default buttons

Message component event handling

Imagine that you just added a new button with my_custom_id customId property :

// Concider you're on a command file ...
const result = new MessageFormatter();
result.addButton('Get karmated', '💥', 'DANGER', 'karma_button');

return result;

With the client property in your command function async execute(client: Bot, message: Message, args: any[]), you can register an event when this new button will be clicked. For example, you want to log the player who clicked on the button. With the interaction that you must provide on event declaration, you will be able to get his / her username ! By using client.setNewEvent(), you can register an event for a button click or a select menu interaction (for the moment). Check this out :

// Concider you're on a command file ...
const result = new MessageFormatter();
result.addButton('Get karmated', '💥', 'DANGER', 'karma_button');

client.setNewEvent(EventType.BUTTON_EVENT, 'karma_button', (interaction) => {
  console.log(interaction.member.user.username + ' has clicked on the main menu button');

return result;

Modal Constructor

Discord v13 just released first version of Modals. You can create fast instance of them with ModalBuilder :

Warning : Modals can be showed only after an interaction of any type (button click, slash command, etc ..)

// Concider you're on a command file ...
const modal = new ModalConstructor('My modal title', 'my_modal_custom_id');
//Add text input or textarea
modal.addTextInput('My Input label', 'my_input_custom_id', false); //textInput
modal.addTextInput('My Textarea label', 'my_textarea_custom_id', true); //textarea

Like Embed components, you can handle interaction of modal submission like this :

client.setNewEvent(EventType.MODAL_SUBMIT_EVENT, modal.getCustomId(), (interaction) => {
  if (interaction.isModalSubmit()) {
    console.log(`${interaction.customId} modal has been submitted...`);

For more informations about modal, check this out.

Context menu interaction

DiscordJS makes able creation of context menu items. I've developed more easily way to create it. You just have to use current client bot instance and call addContextMenuItem() function :

//Add context menu item
client.addContextMenuItem('test', message.guildId);

And obviously, you can declare an event when this menu item is used :

//Add event triggerer when context menu item is used
client.setNewEvent(EventType.CONTEXT_MENU_EVENT, 'test', (interaction) => {
  console.log(`${interaction.commandName} has been used...`);


You can define all webhooks that you want to use with your bot. For do this, you just have to declare them inside webhooks property in environment that you're using.

  "webhooks": [
    { "name": "myWebHook", "url": "" }

Then you can call your webhook with your bot client by the function getWebhook(webhookName), inside one of your commands for example :

  async execute(client, message, args) {

Errors are catched if webhook is not registered and reply with an error embed message to user, and also log error in your console.


By default, all environments have autoLog property on false value. But if you enable this property by changing it value to true, when a command (slash or not) will be executed, it will automatically log execution date, username, command name and command arguments. You can log by yourself if you want, just use client.log('YourContent') 😉 When you log something, log is prefixed by default with current date. But you can personalize prefix by using client.log('YourContent', 'YourPrefix')


A JS package for Discord bots, allowing you focus on real features of it, by making all messages routing and bot parameters in background and deliver you useful tools.







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