This project will provide a comparison of similarities and best practices between Angular and React applications (and libraries). Two branches will be provided:
: Angular Pigeon Maps (with mono-repository)- Based on an ES5 implementation React v16 project, this Angular (5.x) implementation uses a mono-repository to publish both the application and library portions of Pigeon Maps. This branch demonstrates the benefits of using Angular with Typescript, DI, and RxJS.
- More on Nx Workspaces...
: React Pigeon Maps (with Typescript)- Using many of models and services from the Angular.5 version, this Reacet (16) implementation shows the similarity between the two (2) JavaScript technologies.
This application uses a MapBox library to create a simple application with rich mapping features.
Using MapBox API, the mapbox
library will asynchronously load and build a TileMap display using a specified zoom level and global Latitude/Longitude coordinate.
(11/26/2017) - The following features are still PENDING:
- zooming, and
- mouse drag navigation
- touch support
This application is composed of application
components with a MapBox library.
To use the library,
- Import the
imports: [
declarations: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
- Use the the TileMap view component:
[center]="[50.879, 4.6997]"
[zoom]="13" >
*ngFor="let it of markers"
<!-- 0...n POI markers -->
The MapBox library publishes seven (7) providers (builders) for tile map urls. Each provider will return different tiles for the current LatLong coordinates and zoom level.
The library publishes view components, data models, and services.
Of special note are the reactive (Rx) services:
TileMapDrag service
Use Observables to enable map-dragging support. Enable LERP (linear interpolation) to animate each map move.
* Create an Observable to future mouseDrag events on target element. Emit
* new topLeft positioning of target element.
target : HTMLElement,
useMotionSmoothing: boolean = true,
getTopLeft : PositionCallback = null ): Observable<Point> {
const mouseDown$ = Observable.fromEvent(target, 'mousedown');
const mouseMove$ = Observable.fromEvent(this.document, 'mousemove');
const mouseDrag$ = mouseDown$.switchMap((mEv) => {
const startOffset = calculateTopLeftOffset(mEv);
return mouseMove$
.throttleTime( 2, animationFrame )
.do( preventDefault )
.map( viewPortPosition )
.let( (getTopLeft || calculateTopLeft)(startOffset) )
.takeUntil( this.mouseUp$ );
* Mouse/touch moves linearly interpolated on every animation frame
if (useMotionSmoothing) {
return Observable.interval(0, animationFrame)
.withLatestFrom(mouseDrag$, (tick, move) => move)
return mouseDrag$;
TileMapLoader service
Use Observables to asynchronously load all tile images [that have not been previously loaded].
When all images loads are completed, emit a ready
event to notify all subscribers.
Also use the loading$
observable to allow application-level components
to be notified when the TileMap view component is updating/refreshing.
* Load all images; announce done using Observable.
TileMapLoader::load( tiles:Array<Tile> ): Observable<Array<Tile>> {
const pending : Array<string> = this.extractUnknownUrls(tiles);
// Emit list of tiles only when all the tile url images have been loaded
return !pending.length ? Observable.of(tiles) : Observable.create( observer => {;
let list$ = Observable.forkJoin( )
.subscribe( ready => {
// Add current list [of recently loaded images] to the registry
this.registry = this.registry.concat(pending);;
return () => {
Run ng serve
to build the applicaiton and auto-start a dev web server. Then navigate to http://localhost:4200/
The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
The advantages of using a mono-repository to promote code sharing and code reuse.
- Unified Versioning
- Promotes code sharing and reuse
- Easier dependency management
- Refactoring benefits
- Consistent development experience
Nx workspaces tools are built as plugin to Angular CLI. Here are some important resources:
- Getting Started with Nx
- How Nx Helps to Encourage Teams to Modularize Code
- Nx — An Toolkit for Enterprise Web Apps
- Nx - A new way to build Enterprise Web Apps (video)
Nx also includes productivity tooling for ngrx usages and scaffolding...