I'm using this tools for different stuff. Mostly I create different folders for different cameras/smartphones. When the work is finished, I use the scripts for deleting converted files, movies, etc.
|- Main_Travel_Folder
|- Travel_Day_1
|- camera
|- DSC_0001.NEF
|- DSC_0002.NEF
|- DSC_0003.NEF
|- convert
|- DSC_0001.JPG
|- DSC_0002.JPG
|- DSC_0003.JPG
|- mobile
|- Travel_Day_2
|- camera
|- DSC_0004.NEF
|- DSC_0005.NEF
|- DSC_0006.NEF
|- convert
|- DSC_0004.JPG
|- DSC_0005.JPG
|- DSC_0006.JPG
|-- mobile
Copy the Python-Script into Main_Travel_Folder. The tools are just working with the specific folder structure.
python script_name.py
- Python NEF-Converter for automated conversion.
- Delete Raw-Files older than X-days (cleanup)