Install the following packages:
./imageCompressor -n N -l L -f F
- N number of colors in the final image
- L convergence limit
- F path to the file containing the colors of the pixels
>head exampleIn | cat -e
(0,0) (33,18,109)$
(0,1) (33,18,109)$
(0,2) (33,21,109)$
(0,3) (33,21,112)$
(0,4) (33,25,112)$
(0,5) (33,32,112)$
(1,0) (33,18,109)$
(1,1) (35,18,109)$
A pretty basic way to compress image consists in reducing the number of colors it contains. 3 steps are needed to do so:
- read the image and extract the colors of each pixel,
- cluster these colors, and replace each color of a given cluster by the mean color of this cluster,
- index the means of the cluster, and create the compressed image.