This project is part of the bachelor thesis "Visualization of Writing Styles" by Thibault Gerrier ( under the supervision of Michael Tschuggnall, PhD (
This project requires Meteor for the server and Java 1.8 & Maven for building required jar file.
git clone
cd StyleExplorer
meteor npm install
meteor npm run dev
Meteor will download all required Meteor and npm packages and will start the server. The tool will now run under localhost:3000.
Additionally another github project is needed, to build the 1+ GB Jar file that calculates the features:
git clone
The pom.xml file at TextFeatures/TextFeaturesMaven/pom.xml has to be replaced with StyleExplorer/java/pom.xml Additionally the file StyleExplorer/java/ has to be moved/copied to TextFeatures/TextFeaturesMaven/src/main/
The java jar can be build with:
mvn validate
mvn clean install
Should the maven build be successful, it will generate a jar file under TextFeatures\TextFeaturesMaven\target\TextFeaturesMaven-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
The link to this jar file has to be added to StyleExplorer/settings.json, by simply rewriting the key to the json property "jarLocation" (Please enter an absolute path).
For problems please contact me at