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because I cant live
without green
Everglade is a green based color scheme forked from everforest due to some conflicting design ideas. This fork will attempt to maintain similar changes to upstream everforest, but with no palette changes. This fork will also tweaks a variety of filetypes and plugins.
The name will mostly likely stick to 'everglade'
- Green based but warm-toned.
- Designed to have soft contrast for eye protection.
- Works well with redshift and f.lux
- Customizable.
- Rich support for common file types and plugins.
- Tree-sitter support.
- Semantic highlighting support.
- Italic support
- rhysd/vim-color-spring-night
- KKPMW/sacredforest-vim
- morhetz/gruvbox
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized
We appreciate both patches and pull requests, however patches are preferred and can be sent to ~therytoe/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht. via git-send-email(1). Patches will often be reviewed quicker than pull requests. The transition to different maintainers my leave some to be desired, please keep that in mind.
For legacy everforest info, see this post.
If you have other questions or would like to contact me directly, shoot me a dm on xmpp (theorytoe@jabber.sdf.org).
Portions of this software are copyright of their respective authors and released under the MIT license:
- © 2022 theorytoe
- © 2019-2022 sainnhe & authors