This repository addresses the need to display Notes created in Zoho CRM within Zoho Analytics. The Zoho CRM / Zoho Analytics default integration does not pull Notes on Zoho CRM records into Zoho Analytics. In order to do this, new Notes need to be queried from Zoho CRM and sent to Zoho Analytics via API.
The major components of this implementation include:
- Scheduled Zoho CRM function which performs the following:
- Retrieve all newly created Notes on Account records
- Send Notes to Zoho Analytics via API
- Table in Zoho Analytics to store Notes
Two connections within Zoho CRM are required:
- Zoho CRM:
- Zoho Analytics:
Use the default connections in Zoho CRM for both of these.
Since this will run on a scheduled function which is invoked every 2 hours, we will request all the Notes updated within the last two hours.
The endpoint to use is the general Notes endpoint in the Zoho CRM API. To retrieve the most recently updated Notes, include the {"If-Modified-Since":modifiedSinceStr}
snippet as your headers
parameter, after defining your modifiedSinceStr
as 2 hours ago.
Here is a sample request:
notesResponse = invokeurl
url :",Created_Time,Note_Title,Modified_By,Modified_Time,Note_Content,$se_module,Parent_Id,id&page=" + page + "&per_page=" + perPage
type :GET
In the case where there are more than 200 updated Notes in the previous two hours, the request will need to be wrapped in an API Pagination Block to perform multiple requests of Notes. This essentially simulates a while
loop in Deluge. The condtion will be whether the Modified_Time
is within the last two hours.
Once all the Notes are queried you can now send them over to Zoho Analytics via API. The Zoho Analytics endpoints for manipulating data in a table do not include an "Add or Update" endpoint, so we need to determine beforehand if you will "Add" or "Update" the row in Analytics.
Within a for each
loop for all of our notes, we run a search, using the export data API endopoint, to see if the specific Note already exists in our Analytics table. That search looks something like this:
config = Map();
criteria = "\"Note ID\"=" + id.toString();
paramsMap = Map();
// ------
exportDataResponse = invokeurl
url :exportUrl
type :GET
info "Export Data Response: " + exportDataResponse;
Then, based on the result, we can determine if we need to update a row in Analytics or add a row
// Update the row with the rowMap that we created with our Note fields
// Create a new row in our Analytics table using the same rowMap
Here are the endpoints for the Zoho Analytics API:
- Add Row:
- Update Data: (However, we have had problems with this API call and suggest using the integration task found here
- Export data API:
An alternative to calling the Export Data API to check and see if a record exists is to simply let the CRM data determine if a row needs to be updated or added. Some simple logic for "Is the created time different than the modified time?" should do the trick because we are calling all modified records in the last 2 hours.
In this repo though, we demonstrate how to use the Export Data API
A table will need to be created in Zoho Analytics to store the Account Notes. Here is some documentation to do so:
The following columns will need to be created:
- Note ID
- Note Title
- Content
- Module
- Parent ID
- Modified By
- Created By
- Modified Time
- Created Time