ArtGallery is a project created for the project defense of the Agnular Softuni Course (July - August 2021) ( as part of the JS Web Course (May - August 2021)
Project requirements document: Angular Project Assignment.docx
ArtGallery "WaveArts" is an app that serves as an online art gallery. The site's main purpose is to collect all kinds of art including: literature (poetry, drama, story), the visual arts (paintings, drawings), the graphic arts (designs and other forms expressed on flat surfaces), the plastic arts (sculptures), the decorative arts (enamelwork, furniture design, mosaic), the performing arts (theatre, dance, music), and architecture. Visitors can publish their own art pieces. Once published, the art piece goes to the Firebase backend and is displayed in the "View Art" tab along with all other art. The given user that created the art piece can edit it at any given time, whilst updating in the database or even delete it, removing it permanently from the database. Art pieces can also be liked by other users, giving the artist more exsposure. Each user has a profile page that they can edit thier profile icon, to their liking.
Unauthorized (not logged in) users have acess to:
- Home page
- About us page
- Register page
- Login page
Authorized (Logged in) users:
- Can view all art pieces posted by users including themselves
- Can Create art
- Can edit art that they have created
- Can delete art that they have created
- Can like other people's art
- Can access their own profile page
- Can edit their profile
- Angular 8 - Front-end framework
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment
- Npm - Package manager
- Firebase - NoSQL database used to store data online
- Visual Studio Code - IDE
- NodeJS (14.17.3 is used in this project)
- Angular CLI (8.2.23 is used in this project)
- Clone this repo or save it as a zip
- Open the project in your preferred IDE (and enter into the art-gallery folder) and Run "npm install" in the terminal
- Check if the Angular Cli version matches (Note: The used version for the project is 8.3.23 and if you are using a newer version the code might not function correctly)
- Add configuration file "firebaseConfig" object to enviroments/enviroment.ts file or keep the currently used one. (Helpful links on how to set it up: &
- Run "ng serve"
- Open http://localhost:4200 and use the app