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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 28, 2022. It is now read-only.
TheStngularity edited this page May 18, 2022 · 4 revisions



<button class="btn" id="snow-toast">Snow Toast</button>

<script type="module">
    import {createToast} from "../js/main.min.js"

    document.getElementById("snow-toast").addEventListener("click", () => {
            position: "top-right",
            text: "Hello",
            autoClose: 2000,


Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
position String N top-left top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center or bottom-right A position of the toast
text String Y Toast text content
autoClose Number or false N 1000 Time in ms before close toast, false - to not auto close
canClose Boolean N true true or false Can the user close this toast with a click?
showProgress Boolean N true true or false Show progress until toast is closed?
pauseOnHover Boolean N false true or false Pause when hovering over a toast
pauseOnFocusLoss Boolean N false true or false Pause when focus loss
onClose Function N () => {} A function to be run after the toast is closed


<button class="btn" id="snow-modal">Snow modal</button>

<script type="module">
    import {Button, createModal} from "../js/main.min.js";
    document.getElementById("snow-modal").addEventListener("click", () => {
            title: "Hello world!",
            content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Numquam pariatur animi, modi similique facilis culpa hic voluptatibus necessitatibus exercitationem placeat quo vitae odio corporis, nihil magni rem libero ducimus asperiores maiores autem! Minus porro voluptatem at ea, unde saepe ullam. Consectetur eos placeat ratione sunt aut molestias ipsa recusandae modi tenetur repudiandae officiis ex eum totam voluptas, reprehenderit, cum porro quo soluta? Corporis id ut, optio vitae illum at nostrum esse aut laudantium rem alias facilis voluptatem quisquam amet provident explicabo. Nisi unde, corporis blanditiis reprehenderit obcaecati sequi voluptatum quae omnis esse vel? Nihil commodi saepe incidunt quae itaque facere.",
            buttons: [
                new Button({text: "Close", id: "close"}),
                new Button({type: "main", text: "OK", id: "ok"})



Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
type String N default default, danger, success or main Type of the button
text String Y Text of the button
id String Y ID of the button


Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
title String Y "" A title of the modal
content HTML or String Y "" A content of the modal
buttons Array N [] A buttons of the modal
animation String N top-center top-center, bottom-center, left-center, right-center or opacity A animation of the modal

Multistage form

[] - Optional argument

<form class="multistage" id="form">
    <h1 class="multistage-title [with-line]">Multistage Form Title</h1>
    <div class="multistage-form" [data-title="Form 1"]>
        <h1>Form 1 Title</h1>
        <input type="text" name="input" class="input" placeholder="Input" [required]>
        <!-- ...inputs -->
    <div class="multistage-form" [data-title="Form 2"]>
        <h1>Form 2 Title</h1>
        <input type="text" name="input" class="input" placeholder="Input" [required]>
        <!-- ...inputs -->
    <div class="multistage-form" [data-title="Form 3"]>
        <h1>Form 3 Title</h1>
        <input type="text" name="input" class="input" placeholder="Input" [required]>
        <!-- ...inputs -->

<script type="module">
    import {initMultiStageForm} from "../js/main.min.js"


Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
selector String Y Form selector
submit Object N {id: "submit", text: "Submit"} Config of submit btn
errorMsg HTML N Fill in <span><name></span> Form error msg(If any field is not filled, placeholders: <placeholder>, <name>, <nameTitle>)
buttons Array N ['Previous', 'Next'] Control buttons texts

Advanced tables

<table id="table">

<script type="module">
    import {createTable} from "../js/main.min.js"
    createTable("#table", {
        title: "Test table",
        columns: [
            {label: "#", id: "num", sort: (values) => {return values.sort((a, b) => {return a[1]-b[1]})}},
            {label: "User", id: "user"}
        rows: [
            {num: 1, user: "User 1"},
            {num: 2, user: "User 2"},
            {num: 3, user: "User 3"},
            {num: 4, user: "User 4"},
            {num: 5, user: "User 5"}
        rowsPerPage: 4



Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
selector String Y Table selector
config Object Y Table config
Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
type String N table table or tableWithRowHeaders Table type
title String N Table title
rowsPerPage Number N 5 Table rows per page
width String N adaptive Table width(Not recommended to change)
columns Array Y Table columns
rows Array Y Table rows


Argument Type Required? Default Value Options Description
label String Y Column label
id String Y Column id
type String N string string, number, timestamp or html Column type(html requires render and sort arguments)
render Function Y(if used html type) Column render function(should return html string)
sort Function N Column sort function(should return a sorted list)