A project of some useful cypress stuff you may love
@TODO: graphql request plugins
In cypress.env.json
, add your database connection config.
Here is the example, please replace with your db config
"databaseOptions": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "john.doe",
"database": "hello.world",
"password": "my.p@ssword",
"client": "mysql2"
In plugins/index.js
of your project, add these line:
const { rawSqlHandler } = require('@theremjx01/autobot');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// ... other plugins event
on('task', {
rawSQL(args) {
return rawSQLHandler(on, config)(args);
//... other task
In your test file, example: demo.spec.js
, use this command to call use rawSQL
describe('demo test', () => {
it('should be able to call rawsql', () => {
cy.task('rawSQL', 'SELECT * FROM demo_table').then(sqlRes => {
// handle result
}).catch(sqlErr => {
// handle error