The Other Roles v4.2.0
- Added a new Guesser-Gamemode
- Added a new Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode | Thanks to Oberbayer
- Added a new role for Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode: Hunter
- Added a new role for Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode: Hunted
- Added a new role: Thief
- Added a new role: Trapper
- Added a new modifier: Chameleon
- Added a new feature to hide the "Colorblind"-Text when hiding behind obstacles
- Added a new role: Prosecutor (in the Lawyer settings) | Thanks to Scoom
- Added a new option to the Mini Modifier: "Mini Grows Up In Meeting"
- Added a new server: Modded Asia (MAS) | Thanks to miniduikboot
- Added support for joining public TOR lobbies using the "Find Game"-Button on Modded Servers (only!) | Thanks to miniduikboot
- Changed Shifter to be a Modifier instead of being a role
- Changed Eraser to only erase the role and not the Modifier
- Changed that neutral roles doesn't have to do tasks anymore to get the overview when they died before their client
- Changed "Play On Random Map". You can now set percentages for each map (like you can do for roles)
- Fixed a bug where the trail color of the player with the "Bloody"-Modifier sometimes had the wrong color when they got killed
- Fixed a bug where the Ninja could target the Spy, but not the Impostor
- Fixed a bug where the countdown wasn't displayed for all player when starting a game
- Fixed bugs in Freeplay (hats were always adaptive when testing & Meetingscreen fixed)
- Fixed a bug where Crewmate/Impostor wasn't displayed correctly in Endscreen
- Fixed a bug where Crewmate/Impostor wasn't displayed correctly in Meetingscreen
- Fixed a bug where Lawyer didn't get promoted to Pursuer when client died
- Updated to Among Us version 2022.10.25
version for auto updater: 4.2.0