- Material design teamspeak web viewer
- Live view (Real time)
- Caching
- Basic http api
- Telegram bot
- Docker support
- RSS Feed
- Dark and light mode
- Bad documentation (not a feature but a warning)
Possible types: dbid
or uid
The channel tree as json
Get the current online users
Possible types: dbid
or uid
Every user in the database
The xml rss feed. Contains join and left history.
- NodeJS
- yarn or npm (If npm, replace all yarn commands below with npm)
- MongoDB
yarn install
yarn build
yarn start // you first need to build with yarn build
yarn watch
Watches for file changes and updates the public directoryyarn start
Starts the fastify server
You need to use env variables.
Variable | Description | Default | Example |
TSVSERVERIP | Teamspeak server ip/host | |
myserver.com |
TSVSERVERPORT | Teamspeak server query port | 10011 |
10011 |
TSVSERVERUSERNAME | Teamspeak query admin username | serveradmin |
serveradmin |
TSVSERVERPASSWORD | Teamspeak query admin password | mypassword |
TSVSERVER | Teamspeak virtual server id | 1 |
1 |
TSVMONGO | MongoDB address | mongodb://localhost/teamspeak |
mongodb:// |
TSVCACHE | Cache time in ms | 120000 |
2000 |
TSVPORT | Webserver port | 5000 |
8080 |
TSVHOST | Webserver host | | |
TSVDARKMODE | UI dark mode default | false |
true |
TSVBBCODE | BBCode enabled (WIP) | false |
true |
TSVTITLE | Title (HTML supported) | Teamspeak 3 Viewer | My Teamspeak |
TSVFOOTERTEXT | Right footer Text (HTML supported) | © 2017 | |
TSPOLLINGTIME | The time between each refresh (ms) | 500 |
1000 |
FEEDURL | The feed url | Nothing (Required for feed) | https://mydomain.com/feed |
FEEDSITEURL | You need to specify a website | Nothing (Required for feed) | https://mydomain.com |
FEEDTITLE | The title of your feed | Nothing (Required for feed) | User feed |
TELEGRAMTOKEN | The telegram bot token | Nothing (Required for bot) | Your token |
TELEGRAMBASEURL | The url to the ts viewer | Nothing (Required for bot) | https://mydomain.com/ |
TELEGRAMPOLLING | Force polling | false |
true |