Allows the dynamic updating of all the existing record, of any type, that is managed by
Due to security change on the Register site the python script won't works anymore.
I suggest you to use the new node solution implemented with Puppeter.
Clone this repo and make an cd node && npm install
Make sure to have Crhome installed and Node v. > 6.
Then you can run the script typing:
node index.js --username=USERNAME_HERE --password=SECRET_PWD --domain=DOMAIN --name=RECORD_NAME --value=RECORD_VALUE --ttl=TTL_>_600 --type=RECORD_TYPE
Note that RECORD_TYPE can be one of the following values: NS, A, CNAME, MX, TXT, SRV, AAAA.
I made a few test, if you find something strange open an issue, please.
Test case soon.
This script make some request to admin pages by using python and requests library.
- Dynamic update of all existing record (all type es. A, MX, CNAME)
- Update TTL
- Using in crontab for multiple account and multiple domain
Actually, I'm using Python2.7, but will be fine using 3.0
- import re, sys, getopt, requests, json
- bs4 from BeautifulSoup
- urllib2 from urlopen
We need to install BeautifulSoup first. Let's get it from pip:
$ sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
We need to define all the parameters before starting the script, so:
/usr/bin/python -u username -p secretpsw -d -t A -v
Note: For help you can use -h. The parameters -v is your public ip address by default.
- Convert in php
- Add more modules
- Create "api" for
I do not assume any responsibilities for the use of this script.