a autoExam program for iedu.foxconn.com in Python3.12.3
This is my first project in Python, so maybe the codes look like a little bad...
- Install the project dependency.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run it, then you will get a verfiyCode.jpg in your current path.
python3 fc_autoExam.py
- Input your userName, password and verifyCode info into the console.
Please Input Your Username: 'your-username'
Please Input Your Password: 'your-password'
Please Input Your Verify Code: 'your-verifyCode'
Congratulations! take a break bro, just cost one coffee time, it's will help you get a perfect score of 100 points in every exam paper you can do. by the way, please copy the ouput infos from console into a log file(such as fc_autoExam_logs.log) which suffix is log
, if you want to see neat log infos or check bugs.