A combination looper and sequencer for live performances, all in your browser.
Apollo must be served, rather than just opening the HTML file, due to how Chrome loads worker files. See here.
Simplest way to run locally:
- Open a terminal and navigate to
. sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
- Visit http://localhost in the web browser of your choice.
(For importing and exporting songs)
- Each line: on-screen name (one word), input, instrument name (from http://gleitz.github.io/midi-js-soundfonts/FluidR3_GM/names.json)
- For microphones and other direct-playback devices, input should be "none"
- Leave a line with three
s after this section
- Each line: Number of bars, what to do in those bars
- "what to do":
- R = rest
- 0 = follow/play the input, but don't record
- Positive integer = play that number loop
- Negative integer = record that number loop
- After each instrument, leave a line with three ===s
- Just add three ---s at the very end (instead of the ===s)
- A blank line following the ---s is optional and also acceptable
- https://github.com/cwilso/midi-synth
- https://github.com/gleitz/midi-js-soundfonts
- https://github.com/danigb/soundfont-player
- https://github.com/cwilso/metronome
- Generate .txt file from .mcsz file (and thus PDF, etc.)
- Time signatures other than 4/4
- Tempo changes
onsite,in progress