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slightly better string handling extensions #39

slightly better string handling extensions

slightly better string handling extensions #39

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will build a .NET project
# For more information see:
name: .NET
- 'v**'
runs-on: macos-13-xl
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v3
dotnet-version: '8.x'
- uses: maxim-lobanov/setup-xcode@v1
xcode-version: latest-stable
- name: Install MAUI Workloads
run: dotnet workload install maui --ignore-failed-sources
- name: Semver Parse
id: version
uses: release-kit/semver@v1.0.10
- name: Build Stellar
run: dotnet build Stellar/Stellar.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar/Stellar.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- name: Build Stellar.Maui
run: dotnet build Stellar.Maui/Stellar.Maui.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar.Maui/Stellar.Maui.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar.Maui/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- name: Build Stellar.Maui.PopUp
run: dotnet build Stellar.Maui.PopUp/Stellar.Maui.PopUp.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar.Maui.PopUp/Stellar.Maui.PopUp.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar.Maui.PopUp/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- name: Build Stellar.Blazor
run: dotnet build Stellar.Blazor/Stellar.Blazor.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar.Blazor/Stellar.Blazor.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar.Blazor/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- name: Build Stellar.Avalonia
run: dotnet build Stellar.Avalonia/Stellar.Avalonia.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar.Avalonia/Stellar.Avalonia.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar.Avalonia/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- name: Build Stellar.FluentValidation
run: dotnet build Stellar.FluentValidation/Stellar.FluentValidation.csproj
- name: Create the package
run: dotnet pack --configuration Release /p:AssemblyVersion=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} /p:Version=${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.minor }}.${{ steps.version.outputs.patch }} Stellar.FluentValidation/Stellar.FluentValidation.csproj
- name: Publish the package to GPR
run: dotnet nuget push Stellar.FluentValidation/bin/Release/*.nupkg