Releases: TheByKotik/sbpp_discord
Releases · TheByKotik/sbpp_discord
* Implement autodetect timezone offset. * g_iTimeshift renamed to g_iTimezoneOffset. * Translation file was sorted alphabetically (except for special groups of phrases).
* Added `.editorconfig` for correct displaying on Github. * Replaced Travis with Github Actions. * Added player links to embed. * Added time formatting with powerfully translations support. * Added defines to make function `SendEmbed` more readable. * Added more chars for escaping in `EscapeRequest` function. * Moved `IsValidClient` define to `SendEmbed` function. * Moved field `Time` to `timestamp` value in embed. * Fixed careless comparison of handles as unsigned integers in `Resolve` function. * Replaced type of `EscapeRequest` function, now this return length of string after escaping. * Replaced type of `EscapeMarkdown` function, now this return length of string after escaping. * Replaced webhooks default colors. * Renamed command `sm_discord_test` to `sbpp_discord_test`. * Removed useless commands. * Removed useless feature to dynamically reload config. * Removed depencity with `sbpp_comms` translations file.
* Fixed incorrect check after converting handle to SIGNED int. * Fixed name of translation phase. * Slightly optimized function of resolving handle redirection. * Slightly improved checks of HTTP request callback.
* Fixed using author SteamID in steam link to violator. * Optimized creating HTTPRequest handles. * Optimized embed generation.
* Added new SteamID value — SteamID64. * Added new chars for escaping — `()[]`. * Formatted settings enum. * Updated configuration file, now with clearer comments.
* Added check for empty value of settings field. * Updated and optimized embed generation, now very strict length checks. * Removed extra field if no fields.
* Added functional for set icon of server and type of embed. * Added resolver for webhook / icon redirects. * Added hook on hostname cvar for update on change. * Updated and optimized embed generation. * Updated `IsValidClient` function, now it's #define (used as inline). * Updated checks for length of embed fields. * Updated escaping functions. * Updated config structure. * Updated russian translation. * Replaced SteamWorks by System2. * Removed function modificator `stock` from every function.
Optimization of string compare, new aliases for types, more of translatable messages, mark const for constant parameters.
Fix status code, add detect incorrect webhook.