Octo Job Search app is a job search app built in flutter framwork. It uses Github Jobs data to display jobs. App design is taken from Fronntend Mentor and Bhanu Taneja's Article
App preview:- Youtube
Home | Job detail | Settings | About us |
Home (Light Theme) | Job detail (Light Theme) | Settings (Light Theme) | About us (Light Theme) |
Click to expand
- Job Listing
- Search - title, title, expertise, companies.
- Filters - city, state, zip code or country, full time.
- Result paginations
- Job Details
Click to expand
|-- lib
| |-- app_delegate.dart
| |-- bloc
| | |-- job
| | | |-- job_bloc.dart
| | | |-- job_event.dart
| | | |-- job_model.dart
| | | '-- job_state.dart
| | '-- theme
| | |-- theme_bloc.dart
| | |-- theme_event.dart
| | '-- theme_state.dart
| |-- helper
| | |-- config.dart
| | |-- icons.dart
| | '-- utility.dart
| |-- locator.dart
| |-- main.dart
| |-- resources
| | |-- dio_client.dart
| | |-- exceptions.dart
| | |-- gatway
| | | |-- api_gateway.dart
| | | '-- api_gateway_impl.dart
| | '-- repository.dart
| '-- ui
| |-- app.dart
| |-- page
| | |-- detail
| | | |-- job_detail_page.dart
| | | '-- widget
| | | |-- company_card.dart
| | | |-- html_view.dart
| | | '-- job_description_card.dart
| | |-- home
| | | |-- home_page.dart
| | | '-- widget
| | | |-- filter_dialog.dart
| | | '-- job_tile.dart
| | |-- settings
| | | '-- about_us_page.dart
| | '-- settings.dart
| |-- theme
| | |-- colors
| | | |-- dark_colors.dart
| | | '-- light_color.dart
| | |-- extentions.dart
| | |-- text_theme.dart
| | '-- theme.dart
| '-- widget
| '-- erorr_widget.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing feature or add new in this repo, Send a pull request. I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24 hours to respond to any issue or request.
Sonu Sharma (Twitter) (Youtube) (Insta) (Dev.to)
If you found this project helpful or you learned something from the source code and want to thank me, consider buying me a cup of ☕