v1.2.0 - The "too many changes" update
- FPS Cap
- W.I.P Chart Editor (v1.2.1 will likely have a completed one!)
- Note Type Template
- Gameplay Modifiers (Playback Rate, Health Gain Mult, & Health Loss Mult)
- New Audio System (Song audio files are now located in
- And now having more files than only
is possible
- And now having more files than only
- Improved note sorting for note types
- Fix Pixel UI Skin
- Week 5
- Week 7 is basically done now (Thanks @BeastlyGabi)
- Stage specific camera offsets
- Metadata for songs (start & end offset)
- Psych Event Support (Only for Psych 0.5+)
- Anti-Mashing
- Menus can now be scrolled through via mouse wheel
- New Options
- Skip intro by default
- Hide score (only shows accuracy and misses when enabled)
- Show MS on note hit
- Sustains can now be modcharted with easier
- Skip time can now skip time faster by holding shift
- Input might be more responsive in gameplay
- Adobe Sparrow JSON Converter (:warning: This does NOT convert animate atlases, only sparrow atlases exported in JSON format!)
⚠️ Make sure the JSON is set to UTF-8!! Otherwise the JSON will be unable to convert!
- Int notetype support (specify a notetypes array in your chart JSON to add valid note types to use)
- Less hardcoded note types
- Tankman's health bar color is no longer gray
- A lot more minor bug fixes
If your mod changed source code directly and wouldn't work as a .pck
file, then just provide the exe and pck file!
ℹ️ A list of every change from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0
ℹ️ The next update won't come out for a while since it is a rewrite!
- The version for it will be 2.0
Hope you guys enjoy this update :)