- ClearEventViewerLogs: Clear event viewer logs.
- RemovePowershellDuplicateLines : Remove duplicate commands from your Powershell console host history.
- ResetNotificationAreaIconsCache : Reset notification area cache.
- Telemetry script 2019
- Set Selective Suspend : Disable/untick "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" for all devices under PowerManagement tab in Device Manager.
Included also a restore option.
- Remove_duplicate_and_blank_lines : Remove duplicate lines, blank lines or lines containing only white space from any text-based file.
Usage : just drag and drop your file on to this script.
PRESERVES initial line ordering.
Keeps last duplicated occurence.
Note: Unlike UNIQ which only works on sorted files/list, because it can only remove adjacent duplicate lines (+ you have to use SORT in conjunction if your lines are not initially ordered, which means losing initial line ordering), the tool will preserve your line ordering (or disorder): handy for batch or big .reg files...
Supports files with ASCII, UTF-8 and UNICODE character encoding.
Credits due to dbenham for his great JRepl.bat utility.
- RemoveDuplicateLines : Remove duplicate lines from any text-based file, while preserving blank lines.
Usage : just drag and drop your file on to this script.
PRESERVES initial line ordering.
Keeps last duplicated occurence.
Note: Unlike UNIQ which only works on sorted files/list, because it can only remove adjacent duplicate lines (+ you have to use SORT in conjunction if your lines are not initially ordered, which means losing initial line ordering), the tool will preserve your line ordering (or disorder): handy for batch or big .reg files...
Supports files with ASCII, UTF-8 and UNICODE character encoding.
Credits due to dbenham for his great JRepl.bat utility.
- Restore_Start_Menu_Icons : Do you sometimes have blank icons in your Start Menu? Or new Icons assets to display in your start screen? Here's a simple script that will update the icon(s) for you.
- WinDefenderToggle : Toggle Windows Defender On or Off
- ScreenSnipActiveWindow : Take a screenshot of your active/selected window only, like explorer, notepad, or firefox etc. after 2 seconds delay (which gives you time to open a .txt even), and save it on your desktop with date and time.
- ScreenSnipEnhanced : Open Windows Screen Snip and saves your .png screenshot with date and time directly on your desktop. You don't need anymore to press save as, or copy/paste clipboard to another application, yeah!!
- ScreenSnipFullScreen : Take a full screen screenshot and save it on your desktop with date and time.
Important note : Needs Nircmd to work https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
Replace "C:\Program Files\System Tools\System Utilities\NirCmd\nircmdc.exe" with your own nircmd.exe path
Send to Context Menu : Send selected file(s) and/or folder(s) using "Send to" context menu.
- SendtoFolder : Display a prompt to create/name location and move selected file(s) and/or folder(s) there.
- SendtoFolderName : Move selected file(s)/and or folder(s) to a folder named as selection.
- SendtoNewFolder : Move selected file(s)/and or folder(s) to New folder and rename New folder incrementally if the folder already exists: New folder (2) New folder (3) etc. (as windows does).
- Add_to_Context_Menu : Creates shortcuts to the scripts in "Send to" context menu.
Toggle Firewall : Toggle Windows firewall, while being in whitelist/secure mode (for example when using WFC).
- ToggleFirewall : On/Off toggle
- ToggleFirewallOff : Off toggle
- ToggleFirewallOn : On toggle
Note : Needs NSudo and SetACL
- Download Nircmd : https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd-x64.zip
- Donwload NSudo : https://github.com/M2Team/NSudo/releases/download/6.2/NSudo_6.2.1812.31_All_Binary.zip
- Download SetACL : https://helgeklein.com/download/#