This is a repository containing different files that I have written while modding Hoi4 to help me. Currently, this repository includes 5 scripts, all in Python:
: A script that can automatically generate goal entries for you (not shines)
: A script that automatically calculates a given date (eg. 1936.2.20) to days to use to fire
: A simple script that lets you convert dds files to png, massively and
: An advanced loc-adding script, that automatically adds loc keys to the output file. It also has automatic detection, finding the id (or desc) key and adding the desc key after (or the id key before)
: A script that takes a picture, a starting and ending color and generates a gradient to be used for scripted GUI pieces.
I plan to automate a lot more parts of Hoi4, that are really just very boring and serve no purpose to do.
If you want me to automate something else, you can either open an issue or ping me/dm me in discord: thanasislanaras