Teaching for Effective Learning in Department for Education and Child Development iPad Configuration
For more information on the TfELLE iPad Programme click here.
This repository contains a copy of the enterprise distribution app (source & IPA) and related configuration for id and restrictions on the TfEl iPads @ DECD.
Students in schools could theoretically find this GIT repo and use it to unlock said iPads, allowing them to install all manner of applications that aren't approved. If they know how to pull a GIT repo then I say, good work kids, go forth with my blessing.
By day I'm a cinematographer, I'm employed to do way too many jobs and I simply don't have time to do anything fancy like a comparison list, etc or geolocking and geoloaction stuff in the app.
Most definitely check out Apple Configurator (Mac App Store), I'd also reccomend chucking a copy of OS X Server on your managing Mac. It'll mean you don't have to individually set up iCloud accounts on each of the iPads you're using.