DotNetOgcModel - A complete .Net library for manipulating XML documents according to the OGC specifications
Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc is a library targeting .NET 4.5 and above providing an easy way to manipulate XML document following the OGC standards. It provides with an exhaustive set of classes generated from the official XSD schemas' files. Those classes can be used with System.XML.Serialization.XMLSerializer to read (deserialization) and write (serialization) XML code that follows the schemas. Some helpers are also implemented for some usual specifications such as GML, Observation and Measurements, OWS...
// Init Serializer
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer multiPolygonSerializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(MultiPolygonType));
// Read XML file and desrialize into object
FileStream fs = new FileStream("../Samples/MultiPolygon.xml", FileMode.Open);
MultiPolygonType multiPolygon = (MultiPolygonType)multiPolygonSerializer.Deserialize(fs);
// Manipulate object
PolygonType firstPolygon = gml.polygonMember[0].Polygon;
// Serialize object
multiPolygonSerializer.Serialize(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), multiPolygon);
// Use Ogc Helper
FileStream fs = new FileStream("../Samples/eop20_example.xml", FileMode.Open);
Eop20.EarthObservationType eop = (Eop20.EarthObservationType)OgcHelpers.Eop20Serializer.Deserialize(fs);
// read dataset's begin and end position
var begin = eop.phenomenonTime.GmlTimePeriod.beginPosition.Value;
var end = eop.phenomenonTime.GmlTimePeriod.endPosition.Value;
Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc is available as NuGet package in releases.
Install-Package Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc
Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc is a single assembly designed to be easily deployed anywhere.
To compile it yourself, you’ll need:
- Visual Studio 2012 or later, or Xamarin Studio
To clone it locally, click the "Clone in Desktop" button above or run the following git commands.
git clone Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc
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Licensed under the AGPL v3 License