A plugin for the tennu irc framework.
MemoServ replacement with extra features. Purpose built specifically for my main IRC channel, time-tested by users.
Compatible with tennu-cooldown. Lets regular users run it every X seconds.
"tell": [
"Save a tell for a user(s).",
"{{!}}tell <nick1[,<nick2>,<nick3>]> <message>",
'{{!}}tell JaneDoe,FarmerGuy Hello World'
"tellrefresh": [
"Re-pull down all tells from the DB into cache, delayed tells are cleared and restored into pending.",
"Alias: !reloadtells"
"delaytells <duration>": [
"This will hold your tells for a duration",
"durations: 1d 5h 10s ect."
"forcetells": [
"Forces out any delayed tells"
- Delay a tell from emitting with the duration of your choice
- Distinguishes between private and public tells depending on if you sent the tell directly to the bot.
- Plays tells back privately or publicly depending on if you pm the bot after recieving tells.
- Hooks into dbcore (We have a web interface where tells can be edited, so database storage is very useful)
- Prevents saving tells for the bot
- Prevents saving one tell to the same person twice
!tell LordWingZero,LordWingZero hello world
(filters out uniqe)
- maxAtOnce : Prevents people from saving > n tells at once.
"limitResults": 1,
"floodDelay": 1500
See Downloadable Plugins here.
- Tests