The line-tracking technique is an image-processing technique and is designed for detecting and tracking a linear object, e.g., a railway catenary wire, from noisy backgrounds. The technique is based on a coarse subset and line search and a subpixel centerline detection. The principles are described in detail in the following article [1]. Displacement response of the linear object can be obtained.
The files contain MATLAB code with a tutorial and example images for processing.
[1] Tengjiao Jiang, Gunnstein Thomas Frøseth, Anders Rønnquist, Egil Fagerholt. A Robust Line-Tracking Photogrammetry Method for Uplift Measurements of Railway Catenary Systems in Noisy Backgrounds, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 144 (2020) 106888.
[2] Tengjiao Jiang, Gunnstein Thomas Frøseth, Anders Rønnquist, Egil Fagerholt. A vision-based line-tracking technique, Zenodo, 2020, version 1.1.