Releases: TencentBlueKing/bk-sops
Releases · TencentBlueKing/bk-sops
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat: 任务清理忽略任务状态 #7664 by @normal-wls in #7665
- feat: 流程市场共享模板查看 #7626 by @guohelu in #7630
- feat: sops 回调功能同步代码 --story=120883063 by @guohelu in #7638
- feat: 上云周期任务添加最低任务间隔时间配置 --story=120737215 by @guohelu in #7646
- feat: 添加返回数据间隔时间 --story=120737215 by @guohelu in #7650
- 支持流程市场分享功能 by @normal-wls in #7678
- 任务清理代码同步 by @normal-wls in #7682
- feat: 任务清理节点相关查询增加 batch 分批逻辑 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7686
- 数据统计表清理 by @guohelu in #7680
- feat: 过期任务数据迁移 --story=121721246 by @guohelu in #7684
Fixed Bugs 👾
- fix: 公共流程导入流程覆盖支持搜索 by @ywywZhou in #7518
- fix: 修复流程导入导出引用第三方插件变量报错问题 #7600 by @guohelu in #7601
- fix: 文本框组件\n为渲染问题修复 by @ywywZhou in #7602
- fix: 文本框组件展示内容为underfind问题修复 --bug=129170523 by @ywywZhou in #7608
- fix: 修复 backfill_template_variable_statistics_task 内存溢出问题 by @wyyalt in #7587
- fix: 节点执行报错信息跳转链接未新开tab问题修复 --bug=119961524 by @ywywZhou in #7616
- perf: 任务回调添加任务输出数据 #7554 by @lTimej in #7566
- fix: 代码编辑框检测变量方法不准确问题修复 --bug=120963616 by @ywywZhou in #7622
- fix: 变量是否为常量改为必选 --bug=120999984 by @ywywZhou in #7627
- fix: 流程市场嵌入画布支持 #7626 by @ywywZhou in #7628
- fix: 流程市场嵌入画布支持-遗漏文件提交 #7626 by @ywywZhou in #7629
- fix: 第三方插件执行中调用 detail 接口报错问题修复 --story=120926155 by @ywywZhou in #7631
- fix: 修复字段类型 #7626 by @guohelu in #7632
- fix: 修改模型问题 #7626 by @guohelu in #7633
- fix: 流程模板问题优化 #7626 by @guohelu in #7635
- fix: 修改日志打印问题 #7626 by @guohelu in #7636
- fix: SRE商店功能开发 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7639
- fix: 共享到商店-上传图片跨域问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7640
- fix: 任务执行页被嵌入后,点击返回抛出事件 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7642
- fix: 增加项目鉴权 #7626 by @guohelu in #7641
- fix: 任务执行页被嵌入后,点击返回抛出事件逻辑提前 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7643
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏保存传参错误问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7644
- fix: 编辑器图片上传不成功问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7645
- fix: sre市场功能代码优化 --story=121334648 by @guohelu in #7648
- fix: 添加公共流程周期任务 --story=121334648 by @guohelu in #7649
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏接口、交互调整 && 公共流程支持创建周期任务 && 周期任务添加最低任务间隔时间配置 by @ywywZhou in #7651
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务-权限校验优化 --story=121334648 by @ywywZhou in #7652
- fix: GSEKit ip选择器变量切ip选择器后无法正常操作问题修复 --story=121335817 by @ywywZhou in #7647
- fix: 添加公共流程预览 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7653
- fix: 删除多余code --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7654
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏接口、交互调整 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7655
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏编辑器高度异常问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7657
- fix: 添加项目查看鉴权 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7656
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏风险等级字段错误问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7658
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏场景分类下拉框交互优化 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7661
- fix: 模板市场导入业务优化 --story=121432122 by @guohelu in #7662
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务提示没有权限 && 轻应用编辑选择执行方案后不生效问题修复 by @ywywZhou in #7667
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务采用allow接口鉴权 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7669
- fix: 测试bug修改 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7670
- fix: 周期任务权限判断js报错问题修复 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7671
- fix: 体验问题修复 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7672
- fix: 修改导入错误信息提示 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7674
- fix: 切换共享类型时重置场景配置 --story=136520635 by @ywywZhou in #7675
- fix: 创建任务选择执行方案时候,有概率默认执行方案不生效问题修复 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7685
- fix: 数据清理联调问题修复 --story=121862836 by @guohelu in #7696
- 任务清理代码优化 & 支持统计数据清理 & 任务数据归档 by @normal-wls in #7698
- fix: 修复批量任务清理日志主键问题 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7699
- fix: 修复数据清理中脏数据错误 --story=121862836 by @guohelu in #7700
- fix: 输入框变量额外多一个空格问题修复 --story=121740037 by @ywywZhou in #7695
Optimizations 🦾
- perf: 优化任务清理节点相关查询 batch 分批逻辑 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7691
Other Changes
Full Changelog: V3.33.8...V3.33.9
What's Changed
- 任务清理代码同步 by @normal-wls in #7682
- 任务清理节点相关查询增加 batch 分批逻辑 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7686
- 数据统计表清理 by @guohelu in #7680
- 过期任务数据迁移 --story=121721246 by @guohelu in #7684
Optimizations 🦾
- perf: 优化任务清理节点相关查询 batch 分批逻辑 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7691
Fixed Bugs 👾
- fix: 公共流程导入流程覆盖支持搜索 by @ywywZhou in #7518
- fix: 数据清理联调问题修复 --story=121862836 by @guohelu in #7696
- 任务清理代码优化 & 支持统计数据清理 & 任务数据归档 by @normal-wls in #7698
- fix: 修复批量任务清理日志主键问题 #7668 by @normal-wls in #7699
- fix: 修复数据清理中脏数据错误 --story=121862836 by @guohelu in #7700
- fix: 输入框变量额外多一个空格问题修复 --story=121740037 by @ywywZhou in #7695
- fix: 创建任务选择执行方案时候,有概率默认执行方案不生效问题修复 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7685
Full Changelog: V3.32.1-p4...V3.32.1-p5
What's Changed
Other Changes
- fix: 流程市场嵌入画布支持 #7626 by @ywywZhou in #7628
- fix: 流程市场嵌入画布支持-遗漏文件提交 #7626 by @ywywZhou in #7629
- feat: 流程市场共享模板查看 #7626 by @guohelu in #7630
- fix: 修复字段类型 #7626 by @guohelu in #7632
- fix: 修改模型问题 #7626 by @guohelu in #7633
- fix: 流程模板问题优化 #7626 by @guohelu in #7635
- fix: 修改日志打印问题 #7626 by @guohelu in #7636
- fix: SRE商店功能开发 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7639
- fix: 共享到商店-上传图片跨域问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7640
- fix: 任务执行页被嵌入后,点击返回抛出事件 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7642
- fix: 增加项目鉴权 #7626 by @guohelu in #7641
- fix: 任务执行页被嵌入后,点击返回抛出事件逻辑提前 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7643
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏保存传参错误问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7644
- fix: 编辑器图片上传不成功问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7645
- fix: sre市场功能代码优化 --story=121334648 by @guohelu in #7648
- fix: 添加公共流程周期任务 --story=121334648 by @guohelu in #7649
- feat: 上云周期任务添加最低任务间隔时间配置 --story=120737215 by @guohelu in #7646
- feat: 添加返回数据间隔时间 --story=120737215 by @guohelu in #7650
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏接口、交互调整 && 公共流程支持创建周期任务 && 周期任务添加最低任务间隔时间配置 by @ywywZhou in #7651
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务-权限校验优化 --story=121334648 by @ywywZhou in #7652
- fix: GSEKit ip选择器变量切ip选择器后无法正常操作问题修复 --story=121335817 by @ywywZhou in #7647
- fix: 添加公共流程预览 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7653
- fix: 删除多余code --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7654
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏接口、交互调整 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7655
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏编辑器高度异常问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7657
- fix: 添加项目查看鉴权 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7656
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏风险等级字段错误问题修复 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7658
- feat: release V3.32.1-p4 by @normal-wls in #7659
- fix: 共享到商店侧栏场景分类下拉框交互优化 --story=121000017 by @ywywZhou in #7661
- fix: 模板市场导入业务优化 --story=121432122 by @guohelu in #7662
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务提示没有权限 && 轻应用编辑选择执行方案后不生效问题修复 by @ywywZhou in #7667
- fix: 公共流程创建周期任务采用allow接口鉴权 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7669
- fix: 测试bug修改 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7670
- fix: 周期任务权限判断js报错问题修复 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7671
- fix: 体验问题修复 --story=136521403 by @ywywZhou in #7672
- fix: 修改导入错误信息提示 --story=121224121 by @guohelu in #7674
- fix: 切换共享类型时重置场景配置 --story=136520635 by @ywywZhou in #7675
- 支持流程市场分享功能 by @normal-wls in #7678
Full Changelog: V3.32.1-p3...V3.32.1-p4
What's Changed
Fixed Bugs 👾
- fix: 使用v-html模板语法时添加安全预防 --bug=119961524 by @ywywZhou in #7579
- fix: 修复流程导入导出引用第三方插件变量报错问题 #7600 by @guohelu in #7601
- fix: 文本框组件\n为渲染问题修复 by @ywywZhou in #7602
- fix: 文本框组件展示内容为underfind问题修复 --bug=129170523 by @ywywZhou in #7608
- fix: 修复 backfill_template_variable_statistics_task 内存溢出问题 by @wyyalt in #7587
- fix: 节点执行报错信息跳转链接未新开tab问题修复 --bug=119961524 by @ywywZhou in #7616
- perf: 任务回调添加任务输出数据 #7554 by @lTimej in #7566
- fix: 代码编辑框检测变量方法不准确问题修复 --bug=120963616 by @ywywZhou in #7622
- fix: 变量是否为常量改为必选 --bug=120999984 by @ywywZhou in #7627
- fix: 第三方插件执行中调用 detail 接口报错问题修复 --story=120926155 by @ywywZhou in #7631
Other Changes
- refactor: 优化环境变量获取方式,降低本地开发配置成本 by @pagezz-canway in #7277
- feat: sops 回调功能同步代码 --story=120883063 by @guohelu in #7638
Full Changelog: V3.32.1-p2...V3.32.1-p3
What's Changed
Fixed Bugs 👾
Other Changes
- feat: 基础依赖调整 --story=119806440 by @normal-wls in #7569
- fix: 处理模板 batch_delete 权限问题 #7572 by @normal-wls in #7573
- refactor: 优化环境变量获取方式,降低本地开发配置成本 by @pagezz-canway in #7277
- feat: 文档中心链接规范调整 #7577 by @normal-wls in #7578
- Merge master by @ywywZhou in #7581
Full Changelog: V3.33.7...V3.33.8
What's Changed
Other Changes
- Release v3.28.17 by @normal-wls in #7575
Full Changelog: V3.28.16...V3.28.17
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat: 第三方插件节点支持配置最长执行时间 by @normal-wls in #7487
- mako 语法支持 json 包操作 & 作业平台插件提取变量支持多行文本提取 by @normal-wls in #7493
- feat: footer 信息支持从环境配置中获取 by @normal-wls in #7503
- feat: 第三方插件支持上传文件的同时传递参数 #7509 by @normal-wls in #7510
- feat: 支持蓝鲸审计中心 #7506 by @normal-wls in #7507
- feat: 流程列表支持过滤和展示执行代理人 #7533 by @lTimej in #7535
- feat: 配置平台(CMDB) 相关插件支持 云区域:IP #7432 by @lTimej in #7454
- create_and_start_task新增回调功能 #7540 by @lTimej in #7541
Fixed Bugs 👾
- bugfix: 第三方插件输入框失焦后未去拉取列表问题修复 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7494
- fix: 轻应用页面查看任务url路径错误问题修复 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7502
- fix: 项目title、footer未国际化问题修复 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7512
- fix: 元变量隐藏时父流程引用问题处理 by @ywywZhou in #7508
- fix: 业务下拉框出现已归档业务问题修复 && ip选择器国际化使用错误修复 by @ywywZhou in #7527
- fix: ip选择器接口调用逻辑优化 #7543 by @ywywZhou in #7547
- fix: ip选择器接口调用自测问题修复 #7543 by @ywywZhou in #7548
- fix: 新建轻应用获取流程没有重置offset问题修复 #7556 by @ywywZhou in #7557
- fix: 手机网页打开sops,侧栏打开后页面无法拖动问题修复 #7563 by @ywywZhou in #7564
- fix: retry_v2变量免渲染问题处理 #7526 by @lTimej in #7529
Optimizations 🦾
- migrate_schedule 周期任务优化 & 【我的动态】列表默认仅展示 1个月数据 by @normal-wls in #7492
- perf: 任务列表响应速度优化 #7489 by @lTimej in #7498
- pref: 任务列表分页优化 #ignore by @ywywZhou in #7517
- perf: 文本值下拉框text 顺序问题 #7505 by @lTimej in #7513
- fix: 流程列表支持过滤和展示执行代理人 #7533 by @ywywZhou in #7537
Other Changes
- refactor: 升级bkui-form版本 #ignore by @luofann in #7471
- refactor: 更新bkui-form版本 #ignore by @luofann in #7497
- feat: add app broker_url env support #ignore by @normal-wls in #7521
- Feature template batch update master by @lTimej in #7530
- refactor: bkui-form组件版本更新 #ingore by @luofann in #7538
- feat: rename pipeline exporter process to web #ignore by @normal-wls in #7552
- pref: 节点管理插件增加 【重新注册 Agent_id】选项 #7544 by @lTimej in #7549
- fix: bug of swagger schema description by @ebay-copilot-hli4 in #7561
- feat: 基础依赖调整 --story=119806440 by @normal-wls in #7569
- fix: 处理模板 batch_delete 权限问题 #7572 by @normal-wls in #7573
New Contributors
- @ebay-copilot-hli4 made their first contribution in #7561
Full Changelog: V3.32.1-p1...V3.32.1-p2
What's Changed
Other Changes
- feat: 网关同步增加主动授权步骤 #7567 by @normal-wls in #7571
Full Changelog: V3.33.6...V3.33.7
What's Changed
Other Changes
- feat: 基础依赖调整 --story=119806440 by @normal-wls in #7570
Full Changelog: V3.33.5...V3.33.6
What's Changed
Fixed Bugs 👾
- fix: ip选择器接口调用逻辑优化 #7543 by @ywywZhou in #7547
- fix: ip选择器接口调用自测问题修复 #7543 by @ywywZhou in #7548
- fix: 新建轻应用获取流程没有重置offset问题修复 #7556 by @ywywZhou in #7557
- fix: 手机网页打开sops,侧栏打开后页面无法拖动问题修复 #7563 by @ywywZhou in #7564
- fix: retry_v2变量免渲染问题处理 #7526 by @lTimej in #7529
- fix: bug of swagger schema description by @ebay-copilot-hli4 in #7561
Other Changes
- feat: rename pipeline exporter process to web #ignore by @normal-wls in #7552
- perf: 节点管理插件增加 【重新注册 Agent_id】选项 #7544 by @lTimej in #7549
New Contributors
- @ebay-copilot-hli4 made their first contribution in #7561
Full Changelog: V3.33.4...V3.33.5