WiFi Access Points Crawl of Darmstadt, Germany
A modified version of the WifiAnalyzer app for Android that writes scan results to a fileRuby
Ruby script that parses raw Wifi scans, performs a MAC vendor lookup and estimates the position of access points from multiple measurementscomplete_raw.csv
Raw database dump of the Darmstadt crawlcomplete.csv
Database dump with WGS84/GPS coordinates of access point locations
When re-using the data, please consider citing the following publications:
Julien Gedeon, Michael Stein, Jeff Krisztinkovics, Patrick Felka, Katharina Keller, Christian Meurisch, Lin Wang, Max Mühlhäuser: From Cell Towers to Smart Street Lamps: Placing Cloudlets on Existing Urban Infrastructures. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC'18). [PDF] [BibTeX]
Julien Gedeon, Jeff Krisztinkovics, Christian Meurisch, Michael Stein, Lin Wang, Max Mühlhäuser: A Multi-Cloudlet Infrastructure for Future Smart Cities. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys'18). [PDF] [BibTeX]