Gulp plugin for Assemble.
Since gulp-assemble is using the v0.6.0-alpha branch of Assemble, this is not ready to be used unless you're willing to deal with daily changes, broken code, and lack of documentation.
Install with npm
npm i assemble/gulp-assemble
Next, cd into the project and run npm install
to install dependencies.
Example gulpfile.js with gulp-assemble and gulp-htmlmin:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
var assemble = require('gulp-assemble');
gulp.task('assemble', function () {
.pipe(assemble({layout: 'default'}))
.pipe(htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true}))
gulp.task('default', ['assemble']);
Brian Woodward
Copyright (c) 2015 Brian Woodward Released under the MIT license