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📚 Documentation for Code

Welcome to the source code repository for the Documentation for Code project! 🎉

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Project Overview

The Documentation Website project provides a user-friendly and customizable platform for understanding and sharing program codes. 💻


We welcome and encourage contributions from the community to make this project even better. If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines: 🙌

  1. 🍴 Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contribution.
  2. 🖌️ Ensure your code adheres to the project's coding style and guidelines.
  3. 💬 Provide clear and concise commit messages for your changes.
  4. ✅ Test your changes thoroughly to maintain the overall stability and functionality of the project.
  5. 📩 Submit a pull request, explaining the purpose and details of your contribution.

By contributing to this project, you agree to license your work under the project's open-source license. 📝


The Documentation Website project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute this software as per the terms of the license. 📄

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, feedback, or need support, please open an issue on the Issue Tracker.

We appreciate your interest in the Documentation Website project and look forward to your contributions! 🙏

Future Plans

We plan to better document future releases

Project Roadmap