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[WIP] Using MongoDB Enterprise Operator with OpenShift and adding TLS using cert-manager


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Securing MongoDB Enterprise on OpenShift

Deploying a MongoDB cluster can be a challenge as there are a lot of pieces and configuration involved like setting up the instances, providing backups, networking, etc. With the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator, it minimizes and standardizes these steps in your Kubernetes and/or Openshift environments. This makes deploying a MongoDB in your own environment easier.

With the use of the operator, you can deploy MongoDB resources using the Kubernetes API and manage them natively. In this code pattern, you will learn how to install and use the operator and deploy a replica set. You will also secure the MongoDB deployment with authentication and manage users natively in Kubernetes/OpenShift. You will also secure it by adding TLS with the help of cert-manager. Cert-manager is another operator that allows you to manage certificates natively in the same environment.

When you have completed this code pattern, you will understand how to:

  • Use the Red Hat Marketplace and install operators
  • Install MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Operator in OpenShift and deploy a MongoDB replica set using the operator.
  • Secure the MongoDB deployment with Authentication and add TLS using cert-manager.
  • Connect an example microservice with the secure MongoDB deployment.



  1. User registers OpenShift cluster with Red Hat Marketplace
  2. User can now install MongoDB Enterprise Operator in OpenShift
  3. Deploy an Ops Manager platform using with the provided APIs from the operator.
  4. Deploy the MongoDB replica set deployment which is also managed by the Ops Manager
  5. Install cert-manager operator which helps manage TLS certificates natively in OpenShift.
  6. Create certificates for each replica of the MongoDB deployment.
  7. Install the created certificates and enable TLS and Authentication on the MongoDB deployment.
  8. Add a MongoDB user for the MongoDB deployment with the operator.
  9. Deploy and connect an example Node.js application to the secured MongoDB database.


  • OpenShift Cluster
  • OpenShift CLI (oc)


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Operator
  3. Install MonogDB Resources
  4. Install cert-manager
  5. Generate Certificates and enable TLS
  6. Deploy sample application

1. Clone the repo

Clone the openshift-mongodb-enterprise-operator-example repo locally. In a terminal, run:

git clone

cd openshift-mongodb-enterprise-operator-example

Make sure you are also logged in your OpenShift cluster as an admin. Then create a project for your MongoDB resources.

oc new-project mongodb

2. Install MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Operator

To use software from the Red Hat Marketplace, you will need to register your cluster in it. This allows the cluster to pull the container images that are used by the software. To register your OpenShift on IBM Cloud, you can follow the instructions here:

IMPORTANT: For OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters, you must reload all your worker nodes for the pull secrets from the registration step to apply. Then you can proceed below.

Once you're done registering your OpenShift cluster, you can now proceed on installing the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Operator in the Marketplace.

To install, go to the main page of the Red Hat Marketplace and search for MongoDB.


Select the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced from IBM and select the Free Trial option. This would give you 30 days to try it out. Once you've done that, you should be redirected to the software page, if not - click on the Workspace > My Software on the top of the page then click on the MongoDB Enterprise.


Now at the Operators tab, you can click on Install operator then choose your cluster for the Target clusters section and for the Namespace Scope, from the drop-down select mongodb namespace which you created in step 1.


You should now be back on the Operators tab on your MongoDB Enterprise software page. It would say the Status is Up to date when it's ready.

mongo up to date

You can now proceed to the next step when you see the status above.

3. Install MonogDB Resources

Now that you've installed the MongoDB Enterprise Operator, you can now deploy the custom resources it provides (MongoDB Deployment, Ops Manager, Users).

To deploy a MongoDB, you'll need an Ops Manager. The Ops Manager is the management platform for your MongoDB clusters.

Review the deployment/0-ops-manager.yaml file. This deploys the Ops Manager and a secret for the initial login. Deploy using the command:

oc apply -f deployment/0-ops-manager.yaml

The Ops Manager will also deploy a database with 3 replicas. Wait for the STATE (OPSMANAGER) to be Running. To check,

oc get opsmanagers

ops-manager              4.2.8     Running              Running         Pending          14m

Now, you can go to the Ops Manager dashboard. To get the url,

oc get svc

NAME                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
ops-manager-svc-ext   LoadBalancer    169.xx.xx.xx   8080:31643/TCP   11m

Get the EXTERNAL-IP and open your browser on 169.xx.xx.xx:8080. Log in with your credentials you set in deployment/0-ops-manager.yaml and it will ask you to configure the Ops Manager. You can choose to use the default values.

Then, what you'll need to deploy a MongoDB cluster is an API key. It is recommended to use an Organization API key instead of a global one.

To create an Organization, click on the upper right corner that says your account name then click on Organizations. Click on + New Organization to create a new one. Name it example-organization or anything.

example-org To create the API key, go to Access > API Keys and create a new one. Grab the Public Key and place it in the user value in deployment/1-ops-manager-config-secret then make sure to set the Organization Permissions to Organization Owner. Enter a short description. Then copy the Private Key in the publicApiKey value in deployment/1-ops-manager-config-secret. You will also need to add an API Whitelist entry. Add, this is the internal IP addresses of the pods in OpenShift on IBM Cloud. example-org-apikey

Then for the ConfigMap on deployment/1-ops-manager-config-secret, the values for the following are:

baseUrl is from oc get om ops-manager -o jsonpath='{.status.opsManager.url}'

orgId is in your Organization dashboard Settings > Organization ID

projectName is the project name you want

Then you can create the secret and config map using:

oc create -f  deployment/1-ops-manager-config-secret.yaml

Now you can create the MongoDB deployment:

oc apply -f deployment/2-mongodb-deployment.yaml

This creates a replica set with 3 replicas. To check the status:

oc get mongodb

NAME            TYPE         STATE     VERSION     AGE
example-mongo   ReplicaSet   Running   4.2.2-ent   4h18m

Wait for its STATE to be Running. You can also view the Pods that these custom resources created. You should also see the new MongoDB in your Ops Manager dashboard. You'll notice that TLS is not enabled. You can enable it by generating certificates and adding them in your cluster. The next steps will guide you in creating the certificates using cert-manager.

4. Install cert-manager

Cert-manager is a native Kubernetes certificate management controller to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources. We're going to use cert-manager to issue self-signed certificates.

Using the OperatorHub in OpenShift, look for cert-manager and install it. Then create the namespace for its resources.

oc create namespace cert-manager

The install the cert-manager components.

oc apply -f cert-manager/cert-manager.yaml

Make sure all the pods are running.

oc get pods -n cert-manager

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-54d75944-j25dl                1/1     Running   0          58s
cert-manager-cainjector-745cf7d9b6-9x82s   1/1     Running   0          58s
cert-manager-webhook-7cffc6c677-cphsr      1/1     Running   0          58s

5. Generate Certificates and enable TLS

To generate self signed certificates, you can generate a certificate authority of your own using the tool openssl. Do the following commands to generate the CA's key pair.

openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt

Then create a tls secret using the generated files ca.crt and ca.key.

oc create secret tls ca-key-pair --cert=ca.crt --key=ca.key

You can now create the Issuer resource from cert-manager using the secret. Review the cert-manager/issuer.yaml file and deploy and check its status:

oc apply -f cert-manager/issuer.yaml

oc get issuer

NAME                READY   AGE
mongodb-ca-issuer   True    18s

Then, grab the hostnames of the replicas of your MongoDB. You can find them using your Ops Manager and go to the Organization > Project you created and click on the MongoDB deployment.


Take note of the hostnames. Review the cert-manager/certificates.yaml and you should find 3 Certificate resources defined. Make sure each certificate corresponds to the hostnames of your replicas. Then deploy:

oc apply -f cert-manager/certificates.yaml

You can get the certificates managed by cert-manager using this command:

oc get certificates

NAME              READY   SECRET            AGE
example-mongo-0   True    example-mongo-0   4s
example-mongo-1   True    example-mongo-1   3s
example-mongo-2   True    example-mongo-2   2s

You can also find the tls secrets created using:

oc get secret | grep example-mongo

example-mongo-0                                               3      2m14s
example-mongo-1                                               3      2m14s
example-mongo-2                                               3      2m14s

The MongoDB expects PEM files (combination of certificate and key). You can same them locally with the format of the filenames like "mongodbName-replicaNumber-pem" (e.g. example-mongo-0-pem).

You can grab the certificates' secrets and save them using the following commands:

oc get secret example-mongo-0 -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}{.data.tls\.key}' | base64 --decode > example-mongo-0-pem

oc get secret example-mongo-1 -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}{.data.tls\.key}' | base64 --decode > example-mongo-1-pem

oc get secret example-mongo-2 -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}{.data.tls\.key}' | base64 --decode > example-mongo-2-pem

These create the files example-mongo-0-pem,example-mongo-1-pem,example-mongo-2-pem. Now, you need to create the certificate with the pem files. Secret name should be "mongodbName-cert" format.

The following command creates an example-mongo-cert with the pem files from above.

oc create secret generic example-mongo-cert --from-file=example-mongo-0-pem --from-file=example-mongo-1-pem --from-file=example-mongo-2-pem

You also need to create a config map of you custom CA certificate. You can use the ca.crt file that you created:

oc create configmap custom-ca --from-file=ca-pem=ca.crt

Now you can enable TLS on your MongoDB. Uncomment the security block on the deployment/2-mongodb-deployment.yaml. This enables TLS using your custom-ca and also enables authentication using SCRAM. Apply your new changes:

oc apply -f deployment/2-mongodb-deployment.yaml

This process can take time as the mongo agents enable both tls and authentication. Check the state using oc get mongodb again.

oc get mongodb

NAME            TYPE         STATE     VERSION     AGE
example-mongo   ReplicaSet   Running   4.2.2-ent   4h18m

Also, in your Ops Manager, your deployment should show that TLS and AUTH is enabled


Then you can add a user using the custom resource that the operator provides.

Review the deployment/3-mongodb-user.yaml. This creates a secret for the password and a MongoDBUser named mongodb-example-user. The yaml file also defines the roles it has and in this case, it has privileges of readWrite in example database. Apply the yaml file:

oc apply -f deployment/3-mongodb-user.yaml

To check the status, execute the command below. The STATE should be Updated. You can also check the newly created user in your Ops Manager. It should also show up in MongoDB Users in your Project > Security

oc get mongodbusers

NAME                   STATE     AGE
mongodb-example-user   Updated   72s

Now that you have a secure MongoDB deployment, the next step guides you how to connect to this database from your applications or microservices in your OpenShift cluster.

6. Deploy sample application

Now you can connect your microservices with the secured MongoDB deployment. An example nodejs application is provided in this repo example-applications/nodejs.

You can build and push the example app as a container image in Docker Hub.

cd example-applications/nodejs
docker build -t <your-dockerhub-username>/example-nodejs-mongodb:1.0 .
docker push <your-dockerhub-username>/example-nodejs-mongodb:1.0

Then review the example-applications/nodejs/deployment.yaml file. The first item is a Secret. Review the values for:

  • MONGODB_REPLICA_HOSTNAMES. You can find them using your Ops Manager and go to the Organization > Project you created and click on the MongoDB deployment. Make sure to separate them using a commas.
  • MONGODB_REPLICA_SET is your MongoDB deployment name.
  • MONGODB_USER, MONGODB_PASSWORD, MONGODB_AUTH_DBNAME is the credentials you created using deployment/3-mongodb-user.yaml and make sure MONGODB_DBNAME is the database where your user has readWrite privileges.
  • You can leave MONGODB_CA_PATH as is, the deployment resource in the yaml file mounts the ca-key-pair secret which you created in Step 5.

Then change the container image name (anthonyamanse/example-nodejs-mongodb:1.0) of the deployment in the same yaml file with the container image name you just pushed.

You can now deploy the example application:

oc apply -f deployment.yaml

Access the application by getting the route:

oc get routes
NAME                   HOST/PORT                                                                                                                       PATH   SERVICES               PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
example-node-service          example-node-service   <all>                 None

Open the route (Add the path /api-docs) in your browser. You should see a swagger UI - try and add a new transaction using "POST /transactions".


You should see a 201 response. You can now try "GET /transactions" and you can also see the MongoDB documents using your Ops Manager. Go to your Organization > Project > Your Deployment then Data tab


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This code pattern is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 and the Apache License, Version 2.

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[WIP] Using MongoDB Enterprise Operator with OpenShift and adding TLS using cert-manager







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