Backend UI for Yii2 Framework, based on Material Able Admin Wonderfully designed the Yii2 admin panel with the custom features to enahance the functionalities of the website build in yii2 framework.
Following are the features included
Enable / Disable Maintenance Mode Settings
Email Notifications Settings
Integrated Google Analytics Code
Create user roles
Create Admin Users and assign user role to them.
Integration of Country State & City database
Global Settings
- SMTP Integration with the active/inactive feature
- Site Logos Settings
- Header Logo
- Footer Logo
- Favicon Icon
Super Admin Profile Settings
Change Password Settings
👇 - Login Page
👇 - Dashboard Page
👇 - User Roles Listing
👇 - Admin Users Listing
- compitable with
If you encounter any problems or bugs, please open an issue on GitHub or get connect with us at TechMitraa Support
Version: 1.0
- Initial Build
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