- The
ultimate objective
is to construct exceptional web applications and mobile apps. By the end of this journey, I aspire to possess the ability to develop bothclient
andserver software
proficiently. Moreover, I aim to masterHTML
and Many More, IncludingPHP APIs
, and to be able to program a browser using popular frameworks such as JavaScript, jQuery, Angular and many more, as well as a server using renowned technologies such as PHP, ASP, Python, or Node.
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- Angular
- NodeJS
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Ionic
- Angular
- Capacitor
- Native Mobile Applications
- TypeScript
- Logs
- Network protocols and sockets.
- Distributed internet and blockchain.
- Security (SQL database attacks, security, encryption, and hashing).
- Other topics of current interest (Advanced Security, Cloud Computing, TailwindCSS).
The Complete
Car Site (Languages Used: HTML & CSS, JS, PHP, SQL and many more) is in a separate
repository (Visit The Complete Web Development Practice Space), So This is the final implementation of the Car Site, Which will be a migration of the Car Site to a Native Mobile App using Ionic Angular
, You may view the worlflow in the following sections which includes all the languages and details about the Car Site in the Separate repository.. (Thanks For The Visit!
- Details: Had to Pause a Bit due to School Work - It wil be uploaded as soon as possible.
- The App is currently Under Constrction
- css
- img
- css
- img
- js
- css
- jerman-otto-styles.css
- loader.css
- database_dumbs
- carsdb.sql
- Usersdb.sql
- img
- log.jpg
- js
- brands.js
- carListing.js
- compare.js
- findCar.js
- loader.js
- validate-sign-up.js
- php
- api_confiq.php
- api.php
- Brands.php
- Compare.php
- config.php
- FindCar.php
- footer.php
- head.php
- header.php
- index.php
- login.php
- logout.php
- signup.php
- validate-login.php
- validate-signup.php
- ReadME.md
- css
- css
- jerman-otto-styles-dark.css
- jerman-otto-styles-light.css
- loader.css
- settings.css
- database_dumbs
- carsdb.sql
- preferences.sql
- rating.sql
- Usersdb.sql
- img
- logo.jpg
- js
- brands.js
- carListing.js
- compare.js
- findCar.js
- loader.js
- theme.js
- validate-sign-up.js
- php
- api_confiq.php
- api.php
- Brands.php
- Compare.php
- config.php
- FindCar.php
- footer.php
- head.php
- header.php
- index.php
- login.php
- logout.php
- settings.php
- signup.php
- validate-login.php
- validate-signup.php
- ReadMe.md
- The Code for PA5 is In this Repository.
- Created a web page which complies to the HTML5 standards and CSS styling.
http://validator.w3.org/, https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
- A navbar from where navigation to each component/part is showcased.
- A client must be able to navigate through all the PAs from the Launch Page.
- An "under construction" page which is the page displayed if the tab has not as yet been completed.
- Making sure that the web works in as many browsers as possible.
- Layout, Backrounds, Fonts, Text, Boxes, Colours, Sizes and etc.
- Launch Page with Logo.
- Navigation Bar on all created Pages.
- Cars Page
- Searchbar.
- Filters.
- Sort.
- Branch Page
- Brand Logo.
- Name.
- Find Me a Car Page
- At least 6 Questions.
- 4 Required.
- 2 Optional.
- Comapre Cars Page.
- Under Construction.
Example Code HTML & CSS (Check jerman-otto-styles.css and Brands.html, Path: JermanOttoCarSite/PA2)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <meta name="author" content="Selepe Sello"> <meta name="description" content="Example HTML & CSS Code For My ReadMe.md"> <meta name="keywords" content="South Africa"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="icon" href="../logo.jpg" type="image/icon type"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#" integrity="#" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"/> <style> /* CSS for listing cars */ .Example-CSS-For-Listing-Cars { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(210px, auto)); grid-gap: 50px; margin: 50px auto; color: rgb(203, 242, 255); max-width: 1240px; padding: 20px; border-radius: 15px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); } </style> </head> <body class="background-brands"> <header> <!-- Navigation --> <div class="topnav"> <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i> Home</a> </div> </header> <section id="logo" class="mt-5"> <!-- Logo placeholder --> <img src="JermanOttoCarSite/PA1/img/logo.jpg" alt="Logo"> </section> <div class="Example-CSS-For-Listing-Cars"> <!-- Sample text for brands listing: Mock Data --> <p>Brand 1</p> <p>Brand 2</p> <p>Brand 3</p> <p>Brand 4</p> <p>Brand 5</p> <p>Brand 6</p> </div> <footer class="footer-bottom"> <!-- Footer text and email link --> <p>Jerman Auto © 2023 All Rights Reserved! <i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i> <a href="mailto:sbkskhalo.kq@gmail.com">Email</a></p> </footer> </body> </html>
- Created a web page which complies to the HTML5 standards and CSS styling.
- Loading Screen.
- JavaScript Animations.
- JQuery for DOM manipulation.
- Retrieving data from APIs.
- Populating your templates with the retrieved API data.
- Implementing the Find me a car page.
- Implementing the Compare page.
- JSON Manipulation.
- Cars/Brands have the correct image pulled from the API.
- DOM Manipulation.
- All API calls are done through JavaScript AJAX XMLHttpRequest and jQuery.
- The data from the API loads dynamically when the user views the page.
- I used asynchronous so that the execution of one task doesn't dependent on another. Basically multiple tasks can run simultaneously.
- Data Population -> Replace Mock Data from prev Cars Page.
- Search, Filters and Sorting works.
- Loading Screen.
- Data Population -> Replace Mock Data from prev Brands Page.
- Loading Screen
- Correct results are Displayed.
- Correct use of API parameters.
- Car Selection works.
- Compare Stats Show.
- API Request Example Code (Check carListing.js, path: Path: JermanOttoCarSite/PA2/js)
function carListingAlgorithm(jsonObject1) { var jsonObject; if (jsonObject1 === undefined) { jsonObject = { "studentnum": "uXXXXXXXX", "apikey": "a9198b68355f78830054c31a39916b7f", "type": "GetAllCars", "limit": 21, "return": ["make", "model", "body_type", "engine_type", "transmission", "max_speed_km_per_h"], "sort": "max_speed_km_per_h", "order": "DESC", "fuzzy": false }; console.log("Please enter a valid request with at least one parameter"); alert('Please enter a valid request with at least one parameter'); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject1; } resetDiv("cars-listing"); var json = JSON.stringify(jsonObject); $.ajax({ url: `https://wheatley.cs.up.ac.za/api/`, method: "POST", data: json, success: function(response) { for (let k = 0; k < response.data.length; k++) { var tempVar = response.data[k].make.toLowerCase(); createCars(tempVar, response.data[k]); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("Status code: " + jqXHR.status + " Status text: " + textStatus); console.log("Error thrown: " + errorThrown); } }); }
- Using a MySQL DB with PHP.
- Create PHP API.
- User Registration with an API.
- API key Generation and Authorization.
- I will use the PHP cURL library for the API development.
- Default login details (username and password) for a user I have on the API.
- I will be using phpMyAdmin.
- How to use the website
- Explanations for the password requirements, choice of hashing algorithm and generation of API keys
- Making use of the include function to stitch pages together.
<?php // file.php echo "This is the main file."; include "calculate.php"; // Calling a function from the included PHP(calculate.php) file echo "The sum of 2 and 3 is " . GetSum(2, 3); ?> <!-- calculate.php --> <?php function GetSum($num1, $num2) { $sum = $num1 + $num2; return $sum; } function GetDifference($num1, $num2) { $diff = abs($num1 - $num2); return $diff; } ?>
- config.php, header.php, footer.php, api.php
- login.php, validate-login.php, logout.php
- signup.php, validate-signup.php
- Database (MySQL DB Dump)
- Example of a database Dumb:
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `example_db` USE `example_db`; -- MariaDB dump 10.19 Distrib 10.7.3-MariaDB, for Win64 (AMD64) -- Remember to add your student number as the database name! -- Host: path/to/host Database: example_db -- Server version 10.3.31-MariaDB-0+deb10u1 -- Table structure for table `users` DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`; CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `surname` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `password` char(30) NOT NULL, `time_created` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; -- Dumping data for table `users` LOCK TABLES `users` WRITE; -- Inserting values into the DB INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,'Default','User','default@u.c','d9d8c68a295f34ad3ef590a4b683f3',1652881570); -- DONE UNLOCK TABLES; -- Dump completed on 2022-05-19 12:15:54
- User information includes the following fields: "id", "name", "surname", ""email", "password", "API key".
- Making use of the include function to stitch pages together.
- The goal is for the user to be able to enter in various details on a form on the signup page and register an account on the car website.
- A signup-validation function which checks (using JavaScript and PHP)[i.e. Both client and server-side validation] whether the information is correct or not. If it is valid, the user is added to the relevant table in the database.
- Making sure the user can easily register/login to the site.
- Signup form on the signup page (signup.php) with the following fields: "name", "surname", "email", "password".
- Using JavaScript to check that all the fields are filled out correctly.
- Email address should have an '@' symbol and the Password should be longer than 8 Characters.
- The Password must also , contain Upper and Lower case Letters, at least One Digit and One Symbol (JS Regex will help).
- Making use of POST to submit the form information to signup-validation.
<form method="post" action="signup-validation.php"> <label for="name">Name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input type="password" id="password" name="password"><br> <input type="submit" value="Sign up"> </form>
- Add user to DB if it doesn't exist, hash password, Add salt, If user already exist an error must be dispayed!!.
- I will make use OOP to create the API class. File name "api.php".
- API should only produce/consume structured JSON data.
- I will be recreating a modified version the "Get All Cars" section of the API used for PA2 (API Documentation.html).
- I should be able to use SQL Queries to extract data from the database dynamically.
- In order to make server side external requests in PHP I will use the PHP cURL library.
- The API should should be able to cater for invalid input by returning an error back that will be handled client side.
- Name: Test
- Surname: User
- Email: testuser@tuks.co.za
- Password:
- API_key:
- Name: John
- Surname: Doe
- Email: johndoe3@gmail.com
- Password:
- API_key:
- The
field is not being tested nor used on the API, It us just here forfun/vibes
. - Please use the
on thedatabase
to make requests to the REST API. They are included inSECTION 1
{ "studentnum":"u12345678", "type":"GetAllCars", "limit":2, "apikey":"a9198b68355f78830054c31a39916b7f", "search":{ "make":"BMW", "body_type":"Coupe" }, "fuzzy": true, "sort":"id_trim", "order": "ASC", "return":[ "id_trim","max_speed_km_per_h","body_type","engine_type","transmission","image" ] }
{ "status": "success", "timestamp": 1680911562, "data": [ { "id_trim": "4417", "max_speed_km_per_h": "250", "body_type": "Coupe", "engine_type": "Gasoline", "transmission": "Manual", "image": "https://wheatley.cs.up.ac.za/api/images/models/bmw_1m.jpg", "image_brand": "https://wheatley.cs.up.ac.za/api/images/brands/bmw.png" }, { "id_trim": "4464", "max_speed_km_per_h": "250", "body_type": "Coupe", "engine_type": "Gasoline", "transmission": "Automatic", "image": "https://wheatley.cs.up.ac.za/api/images/models/bmw_2 series.jpg", "image_brand": "https://wheatley.cs.up.ac.za/api/images/brands/bmw.png" } ] }
{ "limit":2, "apikey":"K9yW8cGnE3qTfR7xV2sZ6bN1mJ4jL5p", "search":{ "make":"BMW", "body_type":"Coupe" }, "fuzzy": true, "sort":"id_trim", "order": "ASC", "return":[ "id_trim","max_speed_km_per_h","body_type","engine_type","transmission","image" ] }
{ "status": "error", "timestamp": 1680912205, "data": "Error. Post parameters are Missing" }
- The
- Import the
table using the carsdb database dumb. - Import the
table using the usersdb database dumb, or alternatively - Create another table called
with the following fields: "id", "name", "surname", "email", "password", "API_key", "salt". - The
field should beAutomatically
generated, UsingAUTO_INCREMENT=1
- At least Have Xampp installed
- Copy the souce code to the httdoc directory
- Run Apache and MySQL server
- Use this URL to access the codes on XAMPP: "http://localhost/path/to/code/login.php"
- Import the
- A User must have an account to view the Cars for practical 3, and all the other pages.
- If a user doesn't have an account they can only access the
pages. - A user can
create an account
without complications, I implemented The Sign Up and Login. - When a user submits the signup form, the
from HTML will make sure all fields are filled, - Then
will be loaded, And it will do signup validation on theclient side
. - Thereafter, If
is done, the form will be sent tovalidate-signup.php
. - This is to make sure the request is secured, Then
will do the validation on theserver side
. - Once all the validation is done, the user will be added to the 'users' database table.
- All Fields SHOULD Not Be
- The
fields SHOULD contain only Characters - The
SHOULD contain '@gmail.com' or '@tuks.co.za', and AT LEAST a Character on the LEFT. - Make sure the EMAIL doesn't contain
Illegal Characters
- Make sure the PASSWORD is at least
8 Characters
long and contains aNumber
, Contains aSpecial Character
letters. - Make sure the PASSWORD doesn't contain Illegal Characters
- All Fields SHOULD Not Be
- Generate a
int, SALT value between[2000000000, 2147483646]
. - Encrypt PASSWORD using the random number as the
with "sha256" and hash_pbkdf2 method,hash_pbkdf2("sha256", p, s, i, b)
; - Using 1000 iterations for the hash_pbkdf2 method, and a HASH length of 32 BYTES, So that it can fit well into a column of this size =>
. - Finally i Concatenate the SALT and HASH and the encode the resulting string to base 64, using
- Generate a
- The API key is an
string oflength=32
. - It Contains these Characters:
- The Key is then Displayed to the User using an alert.
- The API key is an
- Populating data using the API i created in PA3
- Adding more
to the API - Or modifying the Client side to work with the available filters.
- Adding more
- Cookie or Local DOM Storage
- Storing the
API key
in theLocal DOM Storage
. - Using the API key to send
to theAPI
in theServer-Side
- Storing the
- Themes (
)- Using DOM Storage to keep the user preferences so that they are
and remembered when the userloads
the site - Theme must be
updated such that the userdoesn't
need toreload
the page every time after the theme is loaded. - The user must be able to save these
default settings
in the settings page. - Example: THeme Implimentation in
. -
var html = document.querySelector('html'); var themeStyle = document.querySelector('#theme-style'); var toggleButton = document.querySelector('#theme-toggle'); var defaultTheme = localStorage.getItem('default_theme'); if (defaultTheme && defaultTheme != "N/A") { html.setAttribute('data-theme', defaultTheme); themeStyle.setAttribute('href', `../css/jerman-otto-styles-${defaultTheme}.css`); if(defaultTheme === 'dark'){ toggleButton.textContent = 'Dark Mode'; } else { toggleButton.textContent = 'Light Mode'; } } toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => { var theme = ''; if(html.getAttribute('data-theme') === 'dark'){ theme = 'light'; } else{ theme = 'dark'; } html.setAttribute('data-theme', theme); localStorage.setItem('theme', theme); localStorage.setItem('default_theme', theme); themeStyle.setAttribute('href', `../css/jerman-otto-styles-${theme}.css`); // toggle button text if (theme === 'dark') { toggleButton.textContent = 'Dark Mode'; } else { toggleButton.textContent = 'Light Mode'; } });
- Using DOM Storage to keep the user preferences so that they are
PHP API type- Allowing the user to
their preferences. - Preferences are the filters used in the previous PAs
- Making sure the filters are always applied(until changes are made).
- Implementing the functionality for
data on thedatabase
. - There must be a settings page for saving preferences.
- Using the API to
return preferences
from the database and storing them in DOM storage.
- Allowing the user to
- Implementing the ability to
cars on the Cars page. - Showing the
average rating
of the cars on the cars page from all users.
- A text editor is required to create, write and edit code.
- There are many free and paid text editors available online such:
- Visual Studio Code
- Sublime Text
- Notepad++
- Atom.
- VS Code: Instalation Guide
- A web server is required to serve web pages to users.
- You can use an existing web server like Apache or Nginx, or you can use a package like XAMPP or WAMP which comes with an integrated web server.
- Once
is available:- Copy the souce code to the httdoc directory
- Run
server - url:
- Hypertext Markup Language is used to create the structure and content of web pages.
- You need a text editor to create HTML files with an ".html" extension.
- Cascading Style Sheets are used to style the HTML content.
- You need a text editor to create CSS files with a ".css" extension.
- JavaScript is used to add interactivity and functionality to web pages.
- You need a text editor to create JavaScript files with a ".js" extension.
- PHP is a server-side scripting language used for dynamic web content.
- You need a web server that supports PHP to run PHP scripts.
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML are used to update web content without refreshing the page.
- You need JavaScript and a web server that supports AJAX.
- AJAX Example For Just Control
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>AJAX Example For Control</title> <script> function loadData() { var requestVariable = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Object requestVariable.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { // DOM Manipulation document.getElementById("example_id").innerHTML = this.responseText; } }; requestVariable.open("GET", "URL", true); // asynchronous requestVariable.send(); // Send the request } </script> </head> <body> <h1>AJAX Example For Control</h1> <!-- Calls loadData() when the button is clicked --> <button type="button" onclick="loadData()">Load Data</button> <p id="example_id"></p> </body> </html>
- jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document manipulation, event handling, and animation.
- You need to include jQuery in your HTML file by linking to it in your code.
- The Same AJAX Example Using jQuery Just For Control
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>AJAX Example For Control</title> <!-- Including jQuery Library in out file --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#exampleButton").click(function() { $.get("URL", function(data) { // DOM Manipulation $("#example_id").html(data); }); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <h1>AJAX Example For Control</h1> <button type="button" id="exampleButton">Load Data</button> <p id="example_id"></p> </body> </html>
- A web browser is necessary to render and display web pages.
- Popular web browsers include:
- Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera
- Not Recommended:
Tor (Onion Routing)