Releases: TeamTotemic/Totemic
Releases · TeamTotemic/Totemic
- Now requires at least Forge version
- Added texture for Creative Ceremony Cheat
- Compressed textures more efficiently, significantly reducing the file size
- (@NatsuArashi) Updated Chinese translation and added Traditional Chinese localization
- Medicine Bags can now be enchanted with Efficiency and Unbreaking:
- Efficiency increases the effect's strength
- Unbreaking makes it last longer before it depletes
- Decreased Medicine Bag duration from 5 to 4 minutes
- Medicine Bags will no longer close automatically when they deplete
- Added a Creative Medicine Bag which never depletes
- Added a creative-only item that instantly finishes a Ceremony startup when used on a Totem Base (texture is still missing)
- Removed Bufflao aging, adult Buffalos will now immediately be their final size. The Buffalo Dance ceremony will now create baby Buffalos. This should reduce lag caused by Buffalos.
- Slightly adjusted drop rates of Buffalo and Baykok
- Buffalo and Baykok drops are now controlled by loot tables, which allows customization
- Fixed a bug where Baykok would occasionally drop more than one bow
- Fixed Totempedia showing the wrong title when used in offhand
(Bug fixes only)
- Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite recursion when the Baykok Bow is used
- Fixed not being able to open the Totempedia from the offhand
- Fixed Horse Totem Effect not having any effect
- Fixed a bug where stack sizes on items were not shown in the lexicon
- Made placing Tipis more consistent. In particular, they can no longer be placed on top of tall grass
- Tipis now work properly in adventure mode
- Breaking a Tipi in creative mode will no longer drop an item
- Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite recursion when the Baykok Bow is used
- Fixed not being able to open the Totempedia from the offhand
API Changes (version 1.11.2-4.0.0):
- Added medicineBag parameter to TotemEffectPotion#getAmplifierForMedicineBag
- Removed TotemicRegistry#addLexiconEntry, replaced by LexiconCategory#addEntry. The LexiconEntry constructor does that for you now.
- Renamed LexiconEntry#setLexiconPages to addPages
- Made several fields in the Totempedia part of the API private and added getters
- Added various methods/constructors
- Various Javadoc changes
(Bug fixes only)
- Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite recursion when the Baykok Bow is used
- Fixed not being able to open the Totempedia from the offhand
1.11.2-0.8.3: Add something for April Fools
Worlds created in Totemic for Minecraft 1.10.2 should be compatible with this version.
- Changed all block, item, entity and tile entity IDs to lowercase, as required by Minecraft 1.11
- Added compatibility to make sure the above IDs from older worlds automatically get renamed
- Internal changes and refactoring
1.10.2-0.8.2: Add something for April Fools
This is probably going to be the final Totemic version for Minecraft 1.10.2.
- Made placing Tipis more consistent. In particular, they can no longer be placed on top of tall grass
- Breaking a Tipi in creative mode will no longer drop an item
- Tipis now work properly in adventure mode
- Changed Ocelot Totem effect to only apply every 10 ticks
- Fixed missing "totemic:" from unlocalized block names
- Removed unused image files
- The Totem Whittling Knife will now also carve wood from other mods (treating it like oak)
- Totem effects now appear in alphabetical order (of their English name) in the Totempedia and on the Totem Whittling Knife
- Cows from the Animania mod now work in the Buffalo dance ceremony
- Fixed an exploit where the charge on Medicine Bags could last much longer when only switched on briefly every couple of seconds
- Totem Whittling Knife and Bark Stripper will now properly play the tool break animation
- Totem Whittling Knife and Bark Stripper can now be repaired
- Slightly adjusted durabilities of Totem Whittling Knife and Bark Stripper
- Medicine Bags will now show their charge when advanced tooltips are enabled
- Fixed a bug that would make Totem Whittling Knife carve the wrong effects in certain cases
- Fixed a bug where Medicine Bags would consume charge when they had an invalid effect
- Added Medicine Bags: A new item which allows you to carry a Totem Effect with you and use it on the go.
- (@Sunconure11) Added new Totem Effects: Buffalo which gives you Haste, and Enderman which gives you Night Vision
- (@nisaacfuri) Added Japanese localization
- Crafting Totem Torches will now yield 2 instead of 1
- Added lexicon entry for Totem Torches
- Fixed Horse Totem Effect not having any effect
- Fixed a bug where stack sizes on items were not shown in the lexicon
- Fixed a potential problem with Spider Totems related to step height
- Major API changes, mostly related to Medicine Bags
Fixed API not being compilable by itself (it was referencing the Totemic class)