1.12.2-0.10.0: The Eagle Update
Keep in mind that some of the new content is still work in progress.
- Added Bald Eagle, a passive mob. Can be tamed with fish and bred with salmon.
- Added a new Music Instrument: Eagle-Bone Whistle
- Added new Ceremonies:
- Eagle Dance: Transforms Parrots into Bald Eagles
- Sun Dance: Heals and provides an absorption effect like Golden Apples.
- Changed the selecting instruments of Zaphkiel Waltz (Rattle, Drum) and Chimes of Death (Wind Chime, Eagle-Bone Whistle), so they can no longer be selected when you haven't progressed far enough to actually complete them.
- Changed Flute sounds
- Totempedia entries are now sorted in order of progression rather than alphabetically
- Increased the duration of the Speed effect from the War Dance ceremony to match the Strength effect
- Completing a Ceremony will now give recipes and advancements to all nearby players rather than just the one who started the Ceremony
API changes (version 6.1.0):
- Added get/setSortIndex to LexiconEntry. Deprecated is/setPriority.