This is my repository for Udacity's project#2 using Udacity starter code.
The deck consists of 8 unique pairs of cards. Cards are shuffled randomly by provided function.
The goal is to flip all cards. Only matched cards can stay opened.
Once the user clicks on the first card, a timer starts and stops when all cards matched.
CSS animations shows correct matches.
The scoreboard shows number of moves and time of game. Scoreboard also shows star rating, which decreases after 16, 24 and 32 moves. Restart button on the scoreboard restarts the game.
At the end of the game, a modal window showing statistics of moves made, game time and stars rating.
A cancel button switches off the modal window but doesn't reload the result of the game. A replay button resets the game and allows a user to play again.
- git add .
- git commit -m "Any message"
- git push origin master
Helpful links for this project: