This is an Electron wrapper for the brfv5-browser repository demo. It's a basic show case on how to distribute BRFv5 as JavaScript application on Windows and macOS.
See the other repo for more information:
- GitHub (all repos)
- BRFv5 Demo (platform: browser)
- ARTOv5 - Augmented Reality Try-On based on BRFv5
- TPPTv5 - ThreeJS Post Processing Tool for ARTOv5
- Docs / API
- Website
package.json would usually include a "script": "start": "electron .". On macOS, while developing, start has to look like this to get camera access:
"start": "open node_modules/electron/dist/ --args $PWD"
Starting like this will ask to allow Camera access.
See main.js and allow_es6_imports.js.
Once the app is ready, create a protocol:
and set the base tag in the html file:
This will allow the use of ES6 modules and import { ... } from 'path/to/script.js'.