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[fsbolero#10] Implement {*rest} route
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Tarmil committed Jan 18, 2019
1 parent e48d06f commit 97de6c1
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 15 deletions.
116 changes: 101 additions & 15 deletions src/Bolero/Router.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -212,11 +212,24 @@ module private RouterImpl =
(fun l -> listRevAndUnbox.Invoke(null, [|l|]))
(fun l -> listLengthAndBox.Invoke(null, [|l|]) :?> _)

[<CustomEquality; NoComparison>]
type ParameterModifier =
| Basic
//| Optional
| Rest of (seq<obj> -> obj) * (obj -> seq<obj>)

interface IEquatable<ParameterModifier> with
member this.Equals(that) =
match this, that with
| Basic, Basic
| Rest _, Rest _ -> true
| _ -> false

type UnionParserSegment =
| Constant of string
/// A UnionParserSegment can be common among multiple union cases.
/// fieldIndex lists these cases, and for each of them, its total number of fields and the index of the field for this segment.
| Parameter of fieldIndex: list<UnionCaseInfo * int * int> * fieldType: Type * fieldSegment: Segment
| Parameter of fieldIndex: list<UnionCaseInfo * int * int> * fieldType: Type * fieldSegment: Segment * ParameterModifier

type UnionParser =
Expand All @@ -238,15 +251,58 @@ module private RouterImpl =
let isConstantFragment (s: string) =
not (s.Contains("{"))

let fragmentParameterRE = Regex(@"^\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}$", RegexOptions.Compiled)
type Unboxer =
static member List<'T> (items: seq<obj>) : list<'T> =
[ for x in items -> unbox<'T> x ]

static member Array<'T> (items: seq<obj>) : 'T[] =
[| for x in items -> unbox<'T> x |]

type Decons =
static member List<'T> (l: list<'T>) : seq<obj> =
Seq.cast l

static member Array<'T> (l: 'T[]) : seq<obj> =
Seq.cast l

let restModifierFor (ty: Type) =
if ty = typeof<string> then
ty, Rest(
Seq.cast<string> >> String.concat "/" >> box,
fun s -> (unbox<string> s).Split('/') |> Seq.cast<obj>
elif ty.IsArray && ty.GetArrayRank() = 1 then
let elt = ty.GetElementType()
let unboxer = typeof<Unboxer>.GetMethod("Array", FLAGS_STATIC).MakeGenericMethod([|elt|])
let decons = typeof<Decons>.GetMethod("Array", FLAGS_STATIC).MakeGenericMethod([|elt|])
elt, Rest(
(fun x -> unboxer.Invoke(null, [|x|])),
(fun x -> decons.Invoke(null, [|x|]) :?> _)
elif ty.IsGenericType then
let tdef = ty.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
if tdef = typedefof<list<_>> then
let targs = ty.GetGenericArguments()
let unboxer = typeof<Unboxer>.GetMethod("List", FLAGS_STATIC).MakeGenericMethod(targs)
let decons = typeof<Decons>.GetMethod("List", FLAGS_STATIC).MakeGenericMethod(targs)
targs.[0], Rest(
(fun x -> unboxer.Invoke(null, [|x|])),
(fun x -> decons.Invoke(null, [|x|]) :?> _)
failwithf "Invalid type for *rest parameter: %A" ty
failwithf "Invalid type for *rest parameter: %A" ty

let fragmentParameterRE = Regex(@"^\{([?*]?)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}$", RegexOptions.Compiled)

let parseEndPointCase getSegment (case: UnionCaseInfo) =
let fields = case.GetFields()
let defaultFrags() =
|> Array.mapi (fun i p ->
let ty = p.PropertyType
Parameter([case, fields.Length, i], ty, getSegment ty))
Parameter([case, fields.Length, i], ty, getSegment ty, Basic))
|> List.ofSeq
match parseEndPointCasePath case with
// EndPoint "/"
Expand All @@ -264,13 +320,18 @@ module private RouterImpl =
let m = fragmentParameterRE.Match(frag)
if m.Success then
let fieldName = m.Groups.[1].Value
let fieldName = m.Groups.[2].Value
match fields |> Array.tryFindIndex (fun p -> p.Name = fieldName) with
| Some i ->
let p = fields.[i]
if unboundFields.Remove(fieldName) then
let ty = p.PropertyType
Parameter([case, fields.Length, i], ty, getSegment ty)
let eltTy, modifier =
match m.Groups.[1].Value with
| "" -> ty, Basic
| "*" -> restModifierFor ty
| s -> failwithf "Invalid parameter modifier: %s" s
Parameter([case, fields.Length, i], ty, getSegment eltTy, modifier)
failwithf "Union case %s.%s has endpoint definition with duplicate field %s"
case.DeclaringType.FullName case.Name fieldName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,15 +360,17 @@ module private RouterImpl =
| true, x -> x
| false, _ -> []
constants.[s] <- (case, rest) :: existing
| Parameter(n, ty, seg) :: rest ->
| Parameter(n, ty, seg, modif) :: rest ->
match parameter with
| Some (n', ty', seg, ps) ->
| Some (n', ty', seg, ps, modif') ->
if ty <> ty' then
failwithf "[1] Union %s has cases with conflicting endpoint definitions" case.DeclaringType.FullName
elif modif <> modif' then
failwithf "[2] Union %s has cases with conflicting endpoint definitions" case.DeclaringType.FullName
parameter <- Some (n @ n', ty, seg, (case, rest) :: ps)
parameter <- Some (n @ n', ty, seg, (case, rest) :: ps, modif)
| None ->
parameter <- Some (n, ty, seg, [case, rest])
parameter <- Some (n, ty, seg, [case, rest], modif)
| [] ->
match final with
| Some _ ->
Expand All @@ -325,10 +388,10 @@ module private RouterImpl =
match parameter with
| None -> ()
| Some (n, ty, seg, cases) ->
| Some (n, ty, seg, cases, modif) ->
let tails, final = mergeEndPointCaseFragments cases
yield {
head = Parameter(n, ty, seg)
head = Parameter(n, ty, seg, modif)
tails = tails
finalize = final
Expand All @@ -346,7 +409,7 @@ module private RouterImpl =
run p.tails p.finalize rest
| Constant _, _ ->
| Parameter(n, _, seg), l ->
| Parameter(n, _, seg, Basic), l ->
match seg.parse l with
| None -> None
| Some (o, rest) ->
Expand All @@ -360,11 +423,31 @@ module private RouterImpl =
a.[i] <- o
run p.tails p.finalize rest
| Parameter(n, _, seg, Rest(restBuild, _)), l ->
let restValues = ResizeArray()
let rec parse l =
match seg.parse l, l with
| None, [] ->
for (case, fieldCount, i) in n do
let a =
match d.TryGetValue(case) with
| true, a -> a
| false, _ ->
let a = Array.zeroCreate fieldCount
d.[case] <- a
a.[i] <- restBuild restValues
run p.tails p.finalize []
| None, _::_ -> None
| Some (o, rest), _ ->
parse rest
parse l
|> Option.orElseWith (fun () ->
final |> (fun (ty, ctor) ->
final |> (fun (case, ctor) ->
let args =
match d.TryGetValue(ty) with
match d.TryGetValue(case) with
| true, args -> args
| false, _ -> [||]
ctor args, l
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,9 +485,12 @@ module private RouterImpl =
let vals = dector o
path |> List.collect (function
| Constant s -> [s]
| Parameter(n, _, seg) ->
| Parameter(n, _, seg, Basic) ->
let (_, _, i) = n |> List.find (fun (case', _, _) -> case' = case)
seg.write vals.[i]
| Parameter(n, _, seg, Rest(_, decons)) ->
let (_, _, i) = n |> List.find (fun (case', _, _) -> case' = case)
[ for x in decons vals.[i] do yield! seg.write x ]

let unionSegment (getSegment: Type -> Segment) (ty: Type) : Segment =
Expand Down

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